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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
poemClutter KatrinaPhotophobia28 years 4 months ago
poemMama KatrinaPhotophobia69 years 5 months ago
poemSinalagmang Pensaminto (A Visayan Version of 'Random Thoughts') KatrinaPhotophobia210 years 6 months ago
poemRandom Thoughts KatrinaPhotophobia910 years 6 months ago
poemSelf-induced KatrinaPhotophobia411 years 1 month ago
poemHeroes KatrinaPhotophobia311 years 1 month ago
poemClock KatrinaPhotophobia611 years 1 month ago
poemGhosts KatrinaPhotophobia211 years 2 months ago
poemKarma KatrinaPhotophobia211 years 2 months ago
poemTalk (a song) KatrinaPhotophobia611 years 2 months ago
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