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the want of to be "the-One"
and the ovid...the barren
the free

the breathe of mood
strikes the motion
to weather
motion through
slender stalks
and blush shaded
the tannin thin water
sluicing in her bank
these souls of eyes
blazing in the shards
like liquid scents
banners and tracers
down rabbit hole dreams
caressing alive
in the warren
the cream of vivid
from base sync waves
the circle opens
and becomes the
the stretch and strength
the condition
of perfection

the waves
of shelter
notions of a day
synthetic as cheap
as a fair kiss
the carnival noire

no heros
no heroines

the traffic trundles pass
the intersector
the scent interjection
of legitimate

a civet of grandeur



Editing stage: 


Strawberry should be capitalized..
a strong noun and verb..she
in her flow in that bycyle with
her companion about town..
they together..she weaves
an old trait..behaivor

and all things unorthodox
have long since laid their
scars upon my thoughts
and where Ive lain
in lairs
with the Many One's
while the windows
were wild wet and
weeping with wander

magnetixm is a loop
and a staff
and as holly


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