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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


I go now to repair a bridge
it serves the road which runs the ridge.
Just a few boards need replacing
on the floor and in the bracing.

I'll do it while the branch is shallow
now when the far-side field is fallow.
My old truck will take me there,
I won't get stuck if I take care.

The land is rugged on this side
on the other, flat and wide
where crops grow in deep dark soil
thus making this bridge worth the toil.



Let me say that this prediction is a hurried work of fiction,
To claim otherwise is foolish and naive,
But the portents are all there, hints of madness fill the air,
Listen carefully, then say you don't believe.

Now the weather's gone to hell and as far as I can tell,
The seasons change at any time they choose.
We have springtime in the snow; summer comes one week, then goes.
Floods and droughts and forest fires don't make the news.

My Salutations To Neopoets All Of You

My Salutations To Neopoets All Of You
I Salute You All
I shall return once the tears
From my eyes dry,
You know why
Now I cry.

Kiss Of Life

My spouse doesn't kiss me
Will I die five years earlier?
And from what date please
Tell me I want to go sooner
If you can send me
To that land
Where only kissers stand
Holding hand in hand,
Do tell me of another one,
Who will perhaps?
With me like to run
And have fun
For all I know is kissing you,
I mean one,
That adds to spice of living
And that I know is kissing,
So as to keep in frame
And make no excuses lame
And live till the moment I have to

So, I Digress.

Some things are difficult, if not impossible to put into words
because, believe you, me...I've tried.

No language is that "perfect",
no slang that "complete",
and no feeling that "opaque";

yet, still we try...
..but, to no avail.

For, we attempt to say the words, and phrases clearly;
but, what the other hears...


When I woke up this morning and I saw you lying there
with the sunlight through the curtains shining in your hair.
I looked at you lovingly, while you lay asleep
then leaned over to kiss you, gently on your cheek.
And I do believe it's true to say,
I think I have kissed an Angel today.

Narcotic Rhythm

Narcotic rhythm
pounding beat,
hypnotize and set me free.

When that sound hits,
I lose myself,
I let go.


Turn up the heat,
make me high.
Body sways, releasing me.


Stomp and shout.
A drug free buzz,
body moves, relieving me.

Bass rips through my chest,
I become more like myself,
with every depression of the keys.

Crazy darkness,
wraps me in it’s web,
and i'm gone.

Snow Day For Home Schoolers

So we start another day
of school at home,
the boys all bleary-eyed,
morose and slow
with newly-eaten breakfast,
me half-asleep,
fingers warming
on my mug of steaming tea,
the small ceramic heater
whining softly
in the cold front sunroom
that is our classroom,
the chairs marched in from
the dining room
as forlorn
as the boys are,
after Christmas and New Year.


Rise up your bold wave
like Jupiters gleam
this cold blade flicker
our sacred whisper

knicks and tricks
like Secret Tears
like forest fears

draw hearts with
hard cruel tips
(bite your bottom lip)


The biggest snow in twenty years
ended late this winter morning
finally in late afternoon
clouds break open
revealing a citrus sun

Tinting tangerine cotton candy clouds
and enhancing footstep's craters
as shadows swiftly lengthen

For a time of short duration
all white surfaces are burnished
by low-angled shafts of sun
while the arctic breeze
shakes loose bough bombs
of sherbert ice cream
which keep scavenging squirrels
on their toes


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.