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Think on Beauty(a Mind Poem)

He has but to think on beauty,
and melodies of the nightingale
flutter through his mind; the rose
rises up to kiss his lips, and share
with him her intoxicating aurora;

the lullaby of his mother rocks him
in a cushion soft womb; and stars
bow their light playfully to his eye;

essence permeates the calmness
undulating to the slightest wave.

Editing stage: 


I must have read this poem at least 5 has a good flow and rhythm but each time I am left wondering about who the mysterious He is...

raj (sublime_ocean)

Hi raj
He could be anyone,
he, is simply an imaginary person, able to let his fantasies run wild..


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment

OK tyro....i get it now....perhaps that's the reason you mentioned the mind thing in parenthesis of the title....good concept...

raj (sublime_ocean)

This one bluffes ( but in a good way). The language used is simple and so are the images (if taken one at a time) and they seem so common, but as they conglomerate, they together draw a surialistic wide painting
I don't know if that what you mean by 'a mind poem'
Was that intentional?
If so, then congrats. You did it!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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"they together draw a surialistic wide painting"

Bravo Rula, that is exactly it. Two things about the mind; one, it is not linear so is not constricted by the steps of time; and two, the mind moves in ideas. So all of these are ideas of beauty.

the last couple I do not expect anyone to get, so I will explain.Physics has proclaimed that everything gives off waves, even people. In the scientific view of creation, the big bang, there even had to be a wave pushed ahead of the outward expansion of the universe. So in that sense, wave is primal.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment
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