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Critiquing Poetry: Words and Lines [computer generated]

Sure, here's a poem summarizing my experience critiquing the two poems:

Words and lines, a canvas white,
Two poems wait, for critique's light.
With pen in hand, I start to write,
Evaluating form, and insight.

One speaks of clowns, of joy and pain,
A structured verse, with whimsy's reign.
Its language playful, and surreal,
Absurdity, its humor's seal.

The other, Byte, its tone abstract,
Free verse, and whimsy's double act.
A byte, a Zen, its subjects strange,
Mystery and intrigue, its range.

I read and analyze, with care,
Seeking errors, syntax to repair.
Grammar, mechanics, all in sight,
Aiding poems, in their poetic flight.

Two poems, two different styles,
Both worth reading, with their unique profiles.
Critique is meant to help and guide,
And to help the writer, improve and thrive.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


for the reminder! well done.

*respectfully, Cat & eddy styx

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Forgive me for my ignorance with regard to "computer generated".
are you saying that this whole piece is written by an algorithm of sorts
or are there two poems somewhere that are?

I find the concept of computer generated poetry
vile, whether it turns out to be regarded as "Poetry"
or fails miserably, for me, its deceitful to bypass
the human fallibility- The end, does NOT justify the means.

d'ya know,,,, I still carry a fucking pen and notepad,
I guess I'm behind times eh?


I understand the concern about "computer generated" poetry, and I agree -- Neopoet is not a place for that. I'd like to hear your view on "computer generated" critique. Do you think it's a helpful tool?

Hello there, Andrew.
I was initially intrigued by computer generated poetry and critique,
I now find myself questioning poems and critique suspecting subterfuge
in everything posted, and I don't like it!

Obi. (I hope it dies a quick death)

Poetry must be one’s own thoughts and feelings*s expressed in some poetic form. It should be your words
Coming directly from you.

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