Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


The Neopoet Administrative Council and Trustees announces the formation of the Cabinet. This body will work closely with the AC and the Trustees. The AC will continue focusing on policy, on approving new Advocates, and managing disputes between members, and will continue to have final authority in those areas, even in the event a dispute involves a Cabinet member. The Cabinet will be focused on day-day management of volunteer positions, such as the Guides and Workshop programs, on managing our social media program, and when relaunched, on our chat program.

It is with great pleasure to announce that the following individuals have been chosen to represent Neopoet in the Cabinet:

Jonathon (pugilist) as the chair of the Cabinet
Paul as co-chair of the Cabinet
Mark as secretary to the Cabinet
Jess (weirdelf) as our Workshop Coordinator
Guy (Geezer) as our Community Outreach Director
Tonya as our Social Media Expert

Please help us in congratulating these individuals who represent the ideals, values, and strengths that we believe will move Neopoet into the future.


I am terribly sorry I have not had any new poems come to mind yet.. I had moved into my own place back in October of this year and I have been extremely busy with doing remodeling on my RV camper.. I am struggling to come out with new material but I also would like to wish everyone well in their journey of writing.. .. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Paul Harris

Go back to the two you have posted already and respond honestly to the critique there.

Not on this page. This page is about the newly formed Cabinet.

On the pages where you posted your poems, you will notice the 'Edit' function.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Congrats on your appointment, I hope this will put a new life into the day to day Neopoet..
It would be fine if the Cabinet members had an individual contact place or board..
Do we contact through private message or how???
It is good to see that we are evolving into a better organisation.
Now I hope that there will be a couple of things sorted.
! - The publishing of a Neopoet Book at least one per year or leap year..
The payment of which can be mostly from member purchasing a copy each as we go along..
2 - A notice board where we can put Ideas etc for the use of all members..
Will suggest things as we evolve.
Have a great thoughtful time with Neopoet,
Yours Ian T

Words can build a nation

The book, oh yes, the book. Priorities I'm afraid. Chat is probably top there and is on the way to happening but non-coders who have difficulty understanding how difficult this is try to imaging adding a new storey to a 20 storey building... between the first and second floors!

Then, of course The Lab, which was well debated and function established but again it's not just a matter of duct-taping something on to the existing structure.

The 'Featured Poem' needs a little more time but the structure has been settled on largely through your efforts, Ian, in the Ideas Gallery (2-) Yes, it's still there at and many have been implemented! Yes, the 'Featured Poem' will be run with anonymous Advocates rotation, choosing the monthly Featured New Member Poem.

I would ask everyone to thank Ian for his work on the 'Undiscovered work' list, 'Let no poet be left behind'. Everyone needs to help here, it's not just Ian's job. Every time you log in, in whatever order you choose amongst critique, your own work and new work please also visit

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Thanks for your reply I look forward to the future of Neopoet,
As to adding a floor to that building well renumber the damn floors, and add one to the top
Simples Eh! lol
Thanks Bru and take care out there during these bad days ,
Yours Ian ..

Words can build a nation

Non-coders can not conceive of what is easy and what is hard.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I am so glad and happy to hear the good news of this family it is my pleasure knowing that all of the cabinets are happy and ready to step out of their ways to drive neopoets family to the future, I can not congratulate you with poetry but with passion thank you all and God bless you.

Congratulations to this fine group, keep up the good work. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Visit this and critique one each time you visit.

They go back years, if you think a member may have lapsed message one of us, they may just have forgotten their password, Emeka did and is now coming back, I found him on Facebook.
Don't bother with Esker's, he has passed, or Lovedly or Chevyvent, they don't care.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'


always remember to make a critique of other poems
using the hoe is not madness for nothing


always remember to make a critique of other poems
using the hoe is not madness for nothing

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.