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Neopoet Weekly 07/28/24 TO 08/03/24

Start/end date: 
Sunday, July 28, 2024 to Saturday, August 3, 2024
Contest description: 

Date Due:  August 3rd, at 12 Noon Eastern Time

Contest Guidelines:  40 lines or less and written in any form of poetry, and one poem per member.

 Prize: One month Premium, Recognition on your profile and published in our anthology.

Check out our Anthologies

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Winning Poem


Moth to a Flame

By Sen99

She is like a naked flame starved of oxygen.
White hot but almost exhausted,
Weary like a candle at the end of its life.

I’m a blind, deranged moth
Excited to be flying towards her cold fire,
Eager to be engulfed by her,
Hypnotized and confused by one last flicker of light.

A moth has no mouth
Still, I wanted to lick her flame,
One last taste of her tongue,
A final kiss before extinction.

Just before I reached her, she blew out,
Extinguished by a winter wind
Her soot and ashes
Were just dead memories of a failed love.

Winning entry: 
(c) Neopoet.com. No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.