We are attempting to make everyone's experience on the site more personally gratifying. The AC is proposing changing Neopoet so that, before posting a new poem, a member must make three comments on other member's stream & workshop posts. This will guarantee more comments on other posts and, we believe, improve the user experience.
One "credit" will be awarded for a new comment of any length on a stream or workshop poem (except for your own). For simplicity, no "credits" will be awarded for prior comments before this initiative.
Three "credits" will be spent to post a poem (in the stream or in a workshop)
New members, and all existing members as of the start of this initiative, will be granted a certain number of "credits" - initially, we are proposing enough to allow two poems to be posted.
"Credits" expire after 30 days
One can check their own balance, but only trustees & advocates can check the balance and transactions for other members
"Credits" are only awarded to comments at least at the 25% percentile in terms of size (based on our analysis of almost 200k comments, that's 16 words or longer).
We welcome the opportunity for everyone to voice their opinions and will take community feedback into consideration before drafting a final proposal.
Following the precedent set during the "one poem per day" initiative, we will then submit this proposal to the community for a referendum.
Forum thread: https://www.neopoet.com/forum/23390