Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

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2) Workshops 
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3) Advocate Program
4) Featured Poets
5) Poetry Corner 
Analyze That
Evil Flowers Poetry Collection
6) Chat
7) Japanese Forms

Neopoet... in the style of a Zagat review

What’s Neopoet?

A “wonderful place” inhabited by “talented, forgiving people” (Scribbler), “a thing of grace and beauty” (Race_9togo), a “venture… of floating ideas” (Judyanne), “love of learning, … catharsis and support” (Beauregard), which will have you “at the computer every spare moment… hooked like a junkie, thinking of good rhymes…” (Judyanne), “structure, style, and rhythm” (Eduardo Cruz), “meter and cadence” (Race_9togo). Beyond the “real critique” (Eduardo Cruz), which “is not about how great you are” (Maverick), but about “help[ing] the needs of [all] poets at all levels” (Weirdelf), you’ll “discover a whole group of friends” (Judyanne), and find “a poetry home all [your] own” (Barbara Writes).

To the Neopoet Community

Hooded Stranger (Dan) has asked us to let you know that he's taking a leave of absence for a time for personal reasons, but hopes to come back at a later date.

We deeply appreciate all of Dan's contributions, including as workshop leader and in other positions. He will be missed during his absence by all of us.

Themoonman (Richard) has agreed to take on the chair position during Dan's absence or until the end of the term. The team is busy with this transition as well as planning for our upcoming relaunch.

AEC #15

15th AEC

Dear everyone,

I thought it was time I made an announcement on behalf of the new 15th AEC.

Firstly, I must start with a thank you. Thanks to everyone who voted in the elections and for voting in a good team. We have begun already, however, we’ve been a little quiet in the community. This is mostly my fault, I managed to spend my first three days as chair in hospital (no the shock of being chair again was not the reason!!) and then a week later I was back in hospital again. I am now feeling much better and ready to get the show off the ground.

Most of you know the team already, but let me introduce them anyway:

  • Lou – she was on the previous AEC and is also Director of the Newsletter, Splash Pool Workshop Leader and Co-Director of Advocacy.
  • Richard – A previous AEC chair, Co-Chair of the Chat Programme and Project Leader of the Neopoet Book Publishing Committee.
  • Cat – Director of Advocacy and previous AEC committee member.
  • Stan – an Advocate who has been on the last two previous AEC’s.

I am sure you’ll agree this is an experienced AEC. The change this term is that the duration of the AEC is 6 months.

We have already begun work on a six monthly agenda and the following have already been mentioned and are being considered:

  • Mentor Programme to be launched
  • Advocacy Role to be launched
  • A daily posting limit
  • Categories/tags to be added to posted work in the stream. The tags are to identify the type of poem and theme. E.g. Dark Poetry, Erotic, Humorous, Nature, Love etc.
  • Review of AEC Guidelines
  • A Random Button?...more to follow on that one later in the term
  • Neopoet Book Publishing

This list is not exhaustive and are just a few of the ideas currently being suggested. I would ask everybody to please inform the AEC of any ideas and suggestions you may have that you would like included in our agenda. I appreciate our agenda may change throughout the term, but I do like my lists and goals to keep me focused, and my team busy!

A couple of announcements:

  • Cat has now become the Director of Advocacy and Lou has stepped in to be the Co-Director. 
  • Nichole has joined the Chat Team and is now Director of Moderators.

I know you'll all join me in wishing them the very best of luck with their new roles.

Recently there has been some unrest within the community regarding accusations and personal attacks towards certain members within our community. The AEC and the Trustees take a dim view of such actions and are keen to resolve any such issues swiftly and appropriately. If you are aware of any such actions going on within the community or have any information regarding such acts taking place, please inform the AEC or the Trustees immediately so we can act. Do not take any matters into your own hands. The AEC and the Trustees are here to serve and protect you the best we can.

I am pleased to see that Profile Themes have been introduced for premium members and appear to be well received.

I am hoping to announce the next AEC Chat Session soon.

Ok, that’s it for now,

Kind regards,

Dan (Chair)

Profile themes!

We've just launched profile themes for premium members. Now you can customize your profile the way you want. See an example or view the new tutorial. Or just get started (just click "edit profile colors" from your profile page).

Election Results

We would like to cordially welcome the new members of the 15th Advocate Election Committee:

Hooded Stranger, AEC Chair

And, in alphabetical order:


The referendum on term length (extending the term of the committee from three months to six) passed overwhelmingly:
For: 18
Against: 0
Abstain: 4

Please join us in congratulating the new AEC and wishing them the best for the upcoming term.

AEC Election: Announcement


his is our final ballot for the upcoming AEC election.

Ballot order was randomized by

The election will start on Tuesday, September 27 (though we may open the ballot Monday night for logistical reasons)

Barbara Writes
Hooded Stranger

You may view the voting guide (and candidates may update their responses) here:

Our ballot will also host a new referendum. The description is as follows:

Neopoet Referendum No. 3
Do you agree with the following proposal?

1. Change the term of election for AEC members from three months to six months.
2. This change will begin with the AEC elected through the current (September - October 2011) election.

Dear Members,

The AEC have reviewed the existing Community Guidelines and made some necessary amendments and alterations. These have now been updated and can be found in the usual location within the Help menu.

One significant change I would like to bring to your attention is the increase in AEC term from 3 months to 6 months. This will be in place for the upcoming elections due in the next two weeks.

As you know, we have amended the role of an Advocate to include the Guide role (formally Greeters) and also Moderators of the Wading Pool.

Before we can fully launch the role, we needed a Director of Advocates to push and drive the programme forward and to have an assistant, a Co-Director.

I am thrilled to announce that with immediate effect Chrys (china blue) will be our Director of Advocates and the Co-Director will be Cat (candlewitch)

They have a lot of work ahead of them, but I know they will be up for the challenge.

I hope you will all join me in congratulating both Chrys & Cat.


The AEC:
Hooded Stranger (Dan)
Chrys (although she didn't get to vote on this one!!)


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.