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Editing - draft

At the Bottom

It curls into my head
like cigarette smoke
above a whiskey glass,
Settle on ice;
you cannot stay
so cold forever.
You have to look down
from the ledge
to see how far
you’d fall,
to see how small
of a step it is
to think twice.

Dust Blue Daisies

I never did find
the great wide open
where the city skyline dissipates
into watercolour hues.
I stood out on the edge,
wooden arrows tried to
dictate my direction,
but the words were all wrong.

And the dust blue daisies
grew around me
when I lost my mind.
I let the world pass me by
so I could break
where no one could see.

Monsters and Witches...

In the dusk of Autumn,
October thirty-first
you will see a lot ghosts,
and monsters at their worst.

They will rampage up the street,
across your pristine grass,
Dressed as super-heroes
Capes dragging past their ass.

"Trick or Treat, you little *****
here, have some candy-corn,"
He faces up to them,
with a manner born of scorn.

"I know your parents, Little Timmy,
that mask, it don't fool me,"
And you're that hulking Sonny,
Trick or treat at twenty-three!

Mabon, Bon Fire

(The Autumnal Equinox September 21st Northern Hemisphere)

Mabon, the witches thanksgiving,
night and day are equally long.
Just before sunset, we gather
sharing in harmony and song.

Flocking to our set bon fire site
adding fuel to the new spark,
careful to not let it die out
in welcoming the rising dark.

Hearts gladden with new promises,
as smoke rises so do our dreams,
fire grows with each new addition
of cardboard and old paper reams.

Quiet Walk

You walked with me
Early to the hilltop tree
Along the gated ways,
Just like we did in early days.
Your love was soft and tender
These are things that I remember.

And we went along to start
I felt your soft hand dart
Not thinking of us as apart.

I walked up there today
As we did in that former day.
I sat in the same swing
When your life I began to sing
By myself but then:
And found all things new again.

Quiet Walk

You walked with me
Early to the hilltop tree
Along the gated way,
Just like we did in early days.
Your love was soft and tender
These are things that I remember.

And we went along to start
I felt your soft hand dart
Not thinking of us as apart.

I walked up there today
As we did in that former day.
I sat in the same swing
When your life I began to sing
By myself but then:
And found all things new again.


it was a beautiful flame
and it had to burn
the paper with our names
it had to wash away

each side of the coin shall always remain


When I'm in a depressive phase
the whole world gets duller
like everything is muted and grey

music no longer sends chills up my spine

I can't concentrate on anything
long enough to satisfy my senses

I can't read or watch TV
or even write...

I just lie in bed
for the voices to quiet enough
that I can sleep

I'll Always Believe You

as the days press on
it's getting easier
to look you in the eyes
and to hear your voice
but please
stop telling me you love me
because I still believe you

Longing to Belong...

He had grown to be a man,
since his capture as a child.
He'd survived two wars by now,
he was seasoned... but half wild.

Was there anyone still left,
who would remember him?
Was there still a village there,
was there even one last kin?

He had been to life's great school,
he had learned his lessons well.
Lived in paradise, been poor,
been to heaven, gone through hell.


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