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Editing - polished draft

written September 19th, 2018, and following words still ring (more true) today – exactly six years later.

The then forty fifth prez
of United States of America
best get sent packing
to Lake woebegone
forced to coexist amidst University
of Pennsylvania Dutch
men in breeches
(May Apple lie)
swampy netherlands awash
with bipedal hominid

Like Fish in the Reef

Something hidden,
something blue,
something I don’t
care to admit.
Years are behind
many are still ahead.
Many to contemplate
the love that I keep
hidden from view
like tiny fish
in the Great Reef.


Slowly it began to turn
a ball of madness,
sanity on the burn.

Violence on every page
perversions wage
to great outrage.

Humanity on the edge
open windows,
mounting the ledge.

Plunge into fiery hell
as demons gasp
the sounding bell.

From scripture they'd been told
would redeem them from
Hell's fire bold.

Where was this bright shining lord,
the one the fanatics
all truly adored?

Now nowhere in sight
on the precipice
of their darkest night.




I can't

ARTHUR. A legend.

Bloodied and dying the end of his days,
He lie on the field life slipping away;
Spread all around his dead gallant knights
Lay with their foes who had been put to flight.

The cost was high so many dead,
He surveys the field from his own deathbed
Slaughtered they lay friend and foe alike
Dismembered and hacked in autumns sunlight.

Trinity River Days

The old miner, who’d been in the back hills
for some time, hailed our small camp.
Best to announce yourself when you’re in gold country.
Firearms, gold, the dark and surprises are a risky mix there.

His friendly manner, great stories and good humor
put us at ease, earning him an offer of a spot for the night
to sleep away the whisky we kept pouring.

With first light the next morning
we discovered the old man was gone,
along with a small amount of our food.
The fare for his company, we supposed.

I Can Hardly Wait

I Can Hardly Wait
Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

My friend said life moves in circles
Like the seasons
To comfort me when I was grieving,
And I still hear her words in my mind.

Oh, how I soaked up all the sunlight.
How I felt it giving me life,
As I buried my feet in the sand
Beside the sea.

But the darkness is coming sooner.
The leaves are losing their emerald colour.
I just know
They’re about to set afire.

The humble cockroach -

Survival of one wreath speck table insect,
(poll ease pod din me Elmer Fudd speak)
thus earning hardy laurels
nsync with inxs of standing kudos
ranking as bajillion year old species
scientific name: Periplaneta americana
(Linnaeus) Insecta: Blattodea: Blattidae)
throve for more than 300 million years,
not surprisingly they constitute
one of the oldest groups of insects on the earth.


Would, that I could
For myself, choose!
One perpetual mood
And all the rest, set loose!

Just but one emotion I shan't rue.
Joy and her flock just wouldn't do
Banish one, banish all
Leave nothing but the blues.

In all their glorious madness,
Nothing has ever been sweeter
Nothing ever kinder.
O, if only I could be sad forever

Take an axe to love,
All her bonds, sever.
Renounce that pilgrim, glee,
Commit my soul to sorrow,

Make her master of me.

Boardwalk Enchantment

She met him late
in the month of May,
at the lake shore
on a cloud dappled day.

Whistling while he strolled,
and skipping stones
on the glass like water
throwing them like divining bones.

Seeing her at rest,
on a blanket on the sand,
introducing himself
he took her by the hand.

Leading her to a special space
willingly she went along
with him under the boardwalk,
where he sang his mesmerizing song!


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