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I wanted to know that thing higher,
but clay heavily weighed my hand.
I wanted to know that lightness,
effervescence, where sun sparkles,
and the very air holds in radiance.
I wanted to know those things higher.
But too often have I bumped my head
reaching for the immaterial, it so
impractical, so seeming nothingness.
Now I no longer try; clay is hard enough
to build sky skyscrapers, hard enough
to pierce the clouds, -and beyond.
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Sun, 2024-04-14 19:10
Neopoet AI 5-29-23 version
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Sun, 2024-04-14 16:06
Hello friend
Nice to read you after such a long time.
You never failed to amaze me with your poetry and give me something to think about. This is not an exception.
The use of clay to show human limitations to reach for the higher and the intangible.
However, I still wonder how Babel as a title is related. Seems like this is cleverer than I can get.
Please follow me on Instagram
Sun, 2024-04-14 18:48
Hi dear Rula, so very good to
Hi dear Rula, so very good to hear from you.
It loosely refers to the tower of bable where man was vain enough to think he could build a tower to heaven. But more immediately it is about the fact that the ruling philosophy in the weastern world is empiricism, which explains why abstract things like religion, spiritulism, values higher than the physical is dying out in the western world.
It seems the west is falling into that old trap( the tower of bable) of putting what one can do above what one should do.
The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight
Sat, 2024-04-27 07:59
I didn't get it at first either, but with the values I hold and my own spirituality it makes perfect sense. The western world
since the 1950's has been on a constant decline concerning, morals and values. There is a cycle of pride that reoccurs
throughout time which as with the tower of babel will bring our destruction until something more intelligent transforms our minds. It's refreshing to feel a rebirt of mind. It renders a measure of hope! Great, I loved it! Don't ever give up looking into the divine! Once established materialism has little power there.
All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!