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A Conversation With Grief
“Why so sad?”
“Well, it’s you Grief, actually.”
“Oh yeah, it’s kind of my thing.”
“Why do you make people so inconsolable?”
“It’s really Love’s fault. We’re pretty much a package deal. Eventually, you’ll get to know us both quite well.”
“Your timing is terribly inconvenient.”
“Love doesn’t have a regular schedule. It’s a bit hectic for me too, to be honest. I’m very busy, so I’m probably not gonna get better at that.”
“You can be a bit of a bully too, inconsiderate at times.”
“I understand you feel that way. I’ve been called worse in thoughts given no voice. It’s not that I’m being rude, but I can come on pretty strong at times.”
“I get it. I suppose we’ll visit with each other again soon.”
“Oh yes, but people get more comfortable with me as time passes. It’s another one of my things.”
Sat, 2024-07-20 23:10
Neopoet AI (premium) - 5-29-23 version
The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:
The poem, "A Conversation With Grief," employs an interesting dialogue structure that personifies the abstract concepts of Grief and Love. This approach allows for an exploration of these emotions in a unique and engaging way.
However, it might be beneficial to incorporate more metaphorical or descriptive language to enrich the narrative and provide a more vivid picture of the interaction between the speaker and Grief. For instance, instead of stating "Your timing is terribly inconvenient," the speaker could say something like, "You arrive like an uninvited guest, disrupting the tranquility of my heart."
The poem also seems to suggest a relationship between Love and Grief, but it could delve deeper into this connection. How are Love and Grief a "package deal"? Are they two sides of the same coin, or does one inevitably follow the other? Expanding on this could add depth to the poem and provide more insight into the speaker's emotions.
The ending of the poem implies that people become more comfortable with Grief over time. This is a thought-provoking idea, but it might be more impactful if it were developed further. How does this comfort manifest? Does the speaker accept Grief, or do they simply learn to live with it? Answering these questions could make the conclusion more satisfying and meaningful.
In terms of rhythm and flow, the poem maintains a consistent conversational tone throughout. However, varying the length and structure of the sentences could add dynamism and rhythm to the poem, making it more engaging to read.
Overall, the poem presents an intriguing exploration of Grief and its relationship with Love, but it could benefit from more descriptive language, a deeper exploration of its central themes, and more variation in sentence structure.
Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to
Sat, 2024-07-20 23:49
A Conversation With Grief
Hello, Michael,
Such a strong poem -
"Why do you make people so inconsolable?"
"It's really Love's fault..."
So true. But so unavoidable.
Thank you!
Michael Anthony
Thu, 2024-07-25 10:43
Appreciate that L! My ealier
Appreciate that L! My earlier converstaions, nearer to loss, have not been this civil - LOL.
Michael Anthony
Thu, 2024-07-25 11:01
Dear Michael,
it is curious you should use the word (civil) though maybe a cold civility? I enjoyed your conversation with grief...I could have had the same talk with pain. good work, Michael, all in all!
When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.
Michael Anthony
Thu, 2024-07-25 11:16
Thank you Cat! I guess I
Thank you Cat! I guess I meant "anger at loss", and the intensity of grief with the "less civil term". Probably could have used a clearer term.
Michael Anthony