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En Provence
In a village in Provence
I felt un tickling dans les pants -
'til a charming little bistrot
Let me use their pisstro'.
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Sat, 2022-01-22 19:51
A bit of humor is always nice lol. Bistro not bistrot, even makes more exact rhyme. That second line would be better in English in my opinion. Now I gotta go to make sure I don't "tickle My pants" lol
Sun, 2022-01-23 11:14
Bistro/bistrot are alternative spellings.
To quote Wiki: A bistro or bistrot /ˈbiːstroʊ/, is, in its original Parisian incarnation, a small restaurant, serving moderately priced simple meals in a modest setting.
When taken short in France it is acceptable to go into a bar to ask to use the pissoir. Naturally one leaves une pourboire (in addition to a pint or two of pee).