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Falling apart

Why do you Let us fall apart,
Continuing the crumbling crooked walls,
bridge pieces collapse and are hauled off in a cart,
I can't see how this problem resolves,
memories that aren't shared by no other,
hopeless Chills begin to fester,
because everything I try makes no progress,
to smother this flame and reassess her.

You're allowing us to fall apart,
I don't want to go separate ways,
It's not fair that you to play this way with my heart,
What knife you thought dull was indeed to me very sharp,
It didn't just bounce off my skin,
It went deep below the surface,
you can't see because it's hidden deep within,
I have healed the surface wound with a Sure face,
Yet the bleeding never stopped

I hate you for not caring We are falling apart,
This isn't supposed to be happening. It's tearing me apart,
while you sit there in indifference,
I'm suffering all the way in misery.

Why are we falling apart,
You seem to have lost motive to build,
I ask why did we even start,
If you were just going to abandon this guild,
And become apathetic to it and not care,
All I get is a blank stare.

Why continue to contribute to it if the friendship is just gonna fall apart,
It doesn't make any sense,
Maybe this delusion was sparked by poisoned darts,
Shut up brain I don't need your 2 cents

Can we just not fall apart,
I'll get down on my knees,
These waters not yet on the chart,
You don't realize to me it'll hit like a disease,
That would be an unbearably heavy cloud,
Id rather be closer to your ground,
I hope we never fall apart.

We are never gonna fall apart,
Not on my watch, I won't allow,
For you to bury me and leave me underground,
I'm tired of suffocating within this part,
This mask is making my face sweat,
It's certainly something I regret putting on,
I'm falling apart.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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to be deep and meaningful and beautifully written. Well done!

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