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Good and sad

you all have not remembered
one now out of sight
do say so
a simple poet
you and all know
off the cuff
lets you aall
in the garbage bin of time
some repose
all now suppose

hankering again eh!
if master sees it
quickly read it
then twill be deleted

He is coming
go see out of the window,
leave the door ajar
we will know ,
when he is not far..
but do never forget
what lovely poets
we all are!

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


this one makes me smile. kudos


and I love all smileys
u 2222222222222


author comment

The open door will be good though,
I think to tell you I should,
that it matters not where you are
you see it is not hidden from them that see.
Even when you say its good imagery as if not real.
Yet it has been made by your thought, so it will be/
Now what are you going to do
Out of the window there you gaze
A silent figure will in your thoughts arise.
It as the ages gone, will find a place to belong,
You may call it an angel to guide your ways
We know it as just one of us that you see.
It has been with you continually,
there in those recesses of the mind.
A figure made that will for all time shine.
Open those doors and let them in.
Now we can just start again.
Night Young Bard have a great evening, Yours Ian

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Appreciation is the elixir of creation

I hope you saw me in your dreams
and now u will recreate an image of me

will ye asks this ung

of thee~!


author comment

Disconnected, and yet it's all there; and the title reflects well, I do think. This has me thinking of perfect unbalance, a powerful concept in game design. And here I am off-topic.

Provoked more than my share of thoughts. A fun read!



breaking the usual logic
as far as you liked it
I am happy


author comment
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