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As the year’s end clicks toward twelve
Everyone is hoping for something new
If only it could somehow be reversed
The whole year is already rehearsed
Pleasing many, disappointing the few
So into laws of physics one can delve
To run once more, so all can try again
To get it right this time, avoid mistakes
A perfect performance, if one is able
But no such kind offer is on the table
So just move along, for all our sakes
And knowing regret is a kind of pain
Now amidst what is a party atmosphere
Each may be harbouring similar thoughts
As the hand slowly moves to midnight
Good resolutions include doing it right
A small total adding up all the noughts
And a turning point happens right here
As all are waiting for the famous chimes
A hush descends, some close their eyes
It’s a magic moment, as is felt by most
Yet the old year now leaves like a ghost
A time only for truth and no more lies
This new year should reflect better times