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To rectify a techy error
as my laps top burst

. I 'm sorry for your anger
NOW Please read two poems posted
I 'd hate to unpublish your comments EUMOL

Editing stage: 


this is two statements. I would like to see you hook them together to make them one. Like; "If we can get together and sing Kumbya, write emotional poetry and be one with the world, we can control our environment and stop Global Warming!" Welcome to Neopoet. Take advantage of our workshops and join the monthly contests. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Shall come back my laps top again crashed Having problems again So opened a fresh one dear GEE

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You have changed again is this called Morphing ????
A short one on climate change, not enough power to even recall the Do Do,
I would have sent you a message by passenger Pidgeon but cant seem to find one,
Take care, Yours Ian

Words can build a nation

I have no idea what this statement has to do with being a poem . If everything written can be called a poem because someone calls it a poem it is all fake news.
Pick up an anthology of poetry. Start there. Use imagination. don’t make a speech. Take a free course on poetry on the internet....

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

There are a series of writings from the far east or Asia that are short statement type writes.
The Haiku is one type, which is a three line piece that is nature orientated,
These are called poetry and with additions become great works of art, and are an accumulation of a few writers that join together.
Now as to This piece, there is also a group in Asia that write five liners about specific things very similar to Haiku, I write for their site when I have a spare moment, They have a heading that is usually in Capitals and then a five line piece on that subject.
Have a look at the site "Weekly World Gogyoshi" you will see that it has a great following across the world.
If you wish to follow the strict rules of western Poetry there is no place for short writes, but even a short one liner is a poetic statement in the way of things.
Something like " Beauty is in the eye of the beholder "
Yours Ian

Words can build a nation

has something to do with imagination, imagery, charged words, sound, metaphor, poetic connotative truth, emotion, something other than statement. once again, if you want to call everything written poetry....well that statement and Poetry Magazine has helped make poetry irrelevant and despised in our culture.
This has none of that. I get Haiku and similar forms, they use imagery and imagination and surreal associations. Why are you defending this? I suppose newspaper headlines, fortune cookies, words of wisdom from the Buddha, quotes inscribed on public buildings, and instructions on how to use a toilet are all poems too? If we have no standards, no aesthetics, it all becomes the philosophy of what poetry is, not poetry. It's like an "installation" I recently saw at one of our cutting edge modern art museums- in the bare gallery is a vacuum cleaner and a bathrobe. I think it as called "Renaissance #7" ...If that's art to you, like this work of "poetry", there is, to quote Pound, no commerce between us on the subject.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

compy packed up drowned

A fish caught it
transformed me into

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compy packed up drowned

A fish caught it
transformed me into

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You has Morphed into a Jonna, so please be more careful when travelling the great Oceans they have no respect for mankind.
I saw them once as a force 11 the ship I was on was flat out, but still moving backwards, it made me respect the Ocean, The deck of our Ship was 60 feet above the sea but the Ocean ignored it and sent a few waves over the top, so please be more careful, Our ship was a flat top, not a lap top, thank goodness..
Yours Ian ..

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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