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I wish you knew

I wish you knew I wanted you
that when I look at you a smile can't help but slip onto my face
I wish you knew I needed you
that when you talk to me my heart beats a mile a minute
I wish you knew I desired you
that when you touch me my whole body warms
I wish you understood
that you weren't out of my league and were the only player on my team
I wish you weren't so insecure
that you knew you could have me and I would have you
I wish you knew I loved you and not gone and killed yourself

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Not Explicit Content


Your piece has a very sombre feel to it. Not sure if you're expressing yourself only, or perhaps also looking for critique. Seems you've been away a while.


. like my lost dreams...the flood

Nice poem
Good write!

"Words are currency of ideas and have the power to change world. Ride your pen on the rough road."

to have you back, but sorry that you are so down. I sincerely hope that this is not a true story. Missed chances at love are bad enough, but to have such a tragic ending is even worse. Your tenses need to be adjusted. When you speak of past instances,
it should be:

I wish that you had known that I wanted you
that when I had looked at you
a smile couldn't help but slip onto my face
I wish you had known that I needed you
when you had talked to me
my heart beat a mile a minute...

You can trim down your lines and still get the message across.
~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Bad habits my steve lacy, i wrote it my way
It goes
I wish i knew you wanted me
i had an experiance like this with a boy thinking i didnt want him when he wanted me so i wrote
i wish you knew i wanted you


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