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Immigration by Lovedly/ ROSYME--- but only technically
is a passage to existence
we leave as sperms
from testes
then migrate into ovum
as they fall out of ovaries
then integrate and become tenants
of our mother's womb
free of rent for nine months
The finale ends up in the hands of a nurse
or a maid's midwife-woman
as we are forcibly pulled
and in few cases
ere we don't eject naturally
then by a forceful forceps pull
at times damage our silly brain
they may call us partially insane
we are now the immigrants
of our parent's homes
who nurse us till we are 18
then make us move about
and we migrate out
to a newer hopefully grassier
greener environment
then move on
to the larger cities
later to other
foreign countries
for future hopes and peace
now as we are fed up
of the Earth's limitations
all are trying to make homes
outside the Earthly domain
Ah insane
the Moon is our future home
water molecules they have found
another newer generation there
we hope
will all as minuscules abound
Sparrow 42
Sat, 2019-10-05 03:37
Loved Or Lovedone or even lovedly Rosyme
A very factual journey, the impression it gave was of a boring journey..
Now you really need to put some spark into this journey and let it flow with vigour.
No life can be so straight forward and dull, this could be an epic with tears, smiles, and laughter also lots of love hate relations..
Yours as always Ian..
Words can build a nation
Sat, 2019-10-05 12:03
Thanks IAN
for your lovely interpretation
add more
none else is acknowledging me yet
as lovedly rosyme
what a regret
Sparrow 42
Sun, 2019-10-06 04:00
Just ignore the lack of comments,
most of our readers and poets seem to think that they live alone,
You know I am here and read most all that comes through the stream,
I stand alone on this Phoo bridge and play sticks, watching the flow of words beneath.
Hoping that others will join in and make the words mean more to everyone..
Take care and you can always walk with us here lol,
Yours Ian ..
Words can build a nation
Sun, 2019-10-06 11:44
yeah IAN
Fri, 2021-06-11 11:57
not read yet
by newer generations
Covid fears eh