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Invasive, swift,
Stealing secrets and thoughts
Privacy no longer exists

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem, titled "Internet," is a critique of modern technology, particularly the internet, and its impact on privacy. It employs a concise, minimalist style, which is effective in conveying a strong message with few words.

The choice of words like "invasive," "swift," and "unseen" creates a sense of urgency and danger, reflecting the poem's central theme of the internet as a threat to privacy. The phrase "Stealing secrets and thoughts" is a powerful metaphor that encapsulates the poem's critique of the internet's intrusion into personal lives.

The poem could benefit from a more varied use of poetic devices to enhance its impact. For instance, the use of imagery could help to create a more vivid picture of the internet's intrusive nature. Similarly, the use of rhythm and rhyme could add a musical quality to the poem, making it more memorable and engaging.

The poem's structure is simple and straightforward, which suits its minimalist style. However, it could be made more complex to add depth and interest. For example, the poem could be structured as a series of couplets or quatrains, or it could use a more complex form such as a sonnet or villanelle.

Lastly, the poem's theme of the internet and privacy is timely and relevant, but it could be explored in more depth. The poem could delve into specific aspects of this issue, such as the role of social media or the impact of data breaches, to provide a more nuanced critique.

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A well written cinquain with a powerful and concise reflection on modern privacy issues
Well done sir!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Thank you. The more i see about various alerts from personal to business, i see a whole new more effective form of corruption.

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