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Mantra for a better day

So what if you can’t reach any conclusions
choices unsure
direction lost
nothing resolved
peace of mind unattained

Reject self-centered ugly emotion
leave behind wasted energy
opportunities untaken
mistakes fear frozen tracks
self-inflicted pain

As Satch said, never look back
take a stand
be a part of something
maybe catch a little magic in the wink of an eye
a warm sweet smile

Life is waiting beyond four walls
see the sunrise the moon on high
reach beyond yourself
get past barriers imposed or imagined
never let indulgence or self pity win

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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Hello, Richard,
I love the energy in this. Ugly emotion, wasted energy - replaced with catching the magic in the small, but important pieces of life. A lovely mantra, indeed.
Thank you,

Thanks for reading and for the feedback. Bless you...

author comment

Very inspiring!

You're sweet as the scent of lavender...

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