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Father can you tell me
what is this I see
I just can't figure out
what I've come to be
What it is that brought me here
to this place in time
And what is it that makes me think
I've captured the divine?
My motives are impeccable,
but it remains unclear to me
Who ascends to heaven
and I just can't wait to see
The ending of the story
of God's own family
I've waited my whole life
and cannot seem to find
A simple clear solution
for the truth I'd hoped to find
Maybe looking far beyond
is really what I've done
And in the wake of disbelief
I've walked away from everyone
Forever I'm alone in thought,
but waiting just to see
What really happens in the end
a paradox indeed!

Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Last few words: 
The whole idea of hell has always troubled me. I feel so many people have not the eyes to see. Religion as defined by western culture is contradictory. If you could see my heart and I could feel your pain. Maybe we could forgive one another and love infinitely.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Paradox!" presents a thoughtful exploration of existential questions, using a first-person narrative to delve into the themes of self-discovery, spirituality, and solitude.

The use of rhetorical questions throughout the poem effectively conveys the speaker's confusion and longing for answers. This technique could be further enhanced by varying the structure of these questions to avoid repetition and maintain the reader's interest.

The poem's language is generally clear and accessible, which is effective in communicating complex philosophical ideas. However, the use of clichéd phrases such as "ascends to heaven" and "God's own family" detracts from the poem's originality. Experimenting with more unique metaphors or imagery could enhance the poem's expressiveness and impact.

The poem's structure could benefit from more consistency. The irregular rhyme scheme and varying line lengths create a somewhat disjointed reading experience. Establishing a more consistent rhythm could improve the poem's flow and readability.

The final line, "a paradox indeed!" effectively encapsulates the poem's theme and leaves the reader with a strong impression. However, the term "paradox" could be introduced earlier in the poem to strengthen this conclusion and create a more cohesive narrative.

Overall, the poem shows promise in its exploration of complex themes and its use of a personal narrative voice. With some refinement of language, structure, and thematic development, it could become a more compelling piece.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Excellent poem...but what touched me the most is the section (Last Few Words) where you wrote about forgiveness. I want to forgive my mother for all of the things she perpetrated against me. But I am in turmoil, I just cannot find it in me to forgive her... maybe I would feel better if I did forgive her. I really want to let go of the pain! I am ME because of all that has happened to me because of her. She made my strong, the hating of her was what kept me sane and made me strong enough to survive. Your poem brings all of this to the front.

when she was dying, she begged my forgiveness. and I gave it to her, to ease her passing, but I lied! Now I need to forgive myself...

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

This is a very good piece that makes a person wonder;
what is the purpose of all this?
Your title is good, the language use equally so.

Your beginning is good with the asking of a question
and discription of the problem. How does one know?

My only criticism, is that you missed the natural addition of [of] in the line:
"And in the wake [of] disbelief."

The ending is a continuation of the question in the beginning, and
makes the whole thing come together. Nice job! ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Some things take time. I still have a lot of anger in me, but we can free ourselves, maybe not completely. It takes some darkness to have a real life. Thank you for reading! I hope that eventually we will find a comfortable place in which to rest.

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

author comment

I needed to hear that. *major hugs Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

in my own way I understand the struggles you have I'm glad that I had something positive to say.

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

author comment

Thanks for your critique I appreciate your friendship!

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

author comment
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