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Apollo bragged to Cupid once, that his bow was so much bigger.
So Cupid shot Apollo, to prove his darts were not so meager.
Thus Apollo sullies Cupid and insults his very marrow.
The boy-god then in a fit of rage, shoots off his golden arrow
The bolt finds its mark, it doesn't miss, Apollos heart once free.
Is now enraptured by the very first person he should see.
Apollo in erotic pain dreams now of Ladon's daughter.
Daphne nymph of wells and rain and all forms of fresh water.
Such lust that Apollo burns with grief, could not let Daphne go.
Because it was that Cupid merely shot him with his bow.
Cupid now however, with darts as base as lead,
Put the 'fear of loving' into Daphne's virgin head.
She suffered from his poisoned dart, his dart of fierce rejection.
To punish Apollo for his voice, which caused so much dejection.
Apollo so affected was persuant, to Daphne's beauty.
His love for her, a golden gown, more potent than his duty.
But Daphne sworn to chastity, a virgin always be.
With incantations of her soul seduced the Laural Tree.
So just as Apollo is about to snare, with all his amorous advances.
Daphne quickly casts her spell, turns into Laural Branches.
The Laural Tree her sanctuary becomes her Laural prison.
Apollo therefore weeps alone, burns now with eroticism.
But this is not the reason, Cupid stupified is seen,
By accident he struck himself by his very own bolt, it seemed.
Cupid now is overpowered by lust and loves attraction.
Forced to stalk Psyche day and night, for sexual interaction.
At night Cupid visits Psyches bed, Mesmerized by her soul.
Each dawn when she awakens he runs like a frightened foal.
Until one day Psyche bade him stay, by trickery to lay.
For she did not fear Cupids love, but planned her wedding day.
once a mortal soul was she, now wed, passes through immortal door.
While Cupid could never have loved another, but the very first he saw.
So Cupid shot himself which was an accidental fate.
To suffer lust as Apollo had, through his own regretful hate.
Love and attraction and desire we all know, Landed on Cupid from his very own bow.
Therefore Cupid was stupid by intrinsic law. Pricking himself was his own foolish flaw.
Fri, 2023-02-10 09:03
Dear Hannah
This is tight the cadence is brilliant it flowed right off my tongue; I sometimes have to read poetry out loud. I used to do it in eisteddfods. You truly have a gift for storytelling, and I love that there is a moral to this story.
I love the stories of the old Gods so this one really appealed to me.
another solid write, Kudos!!!
Hugs Jayne x
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats
Poets Hand
Fri, 2023-02-10 15:50
stupid cupid
Thanks for the comments. It was a difficult poem to get around the twists and turns nd yet keep it rhyming.
The thrill of the contests no doubt.
Poets Hand
Fri, 2023-02-10 11:40
This one...
had me galloping right along with you and Cupid. I truly love the innuendo and unannounced double meanings. Funny damned stuff!
~ Geezer.
There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.
Poets Hand
Fri, 2023-02-10 15:55
Stupid Cupid
Another challenge met. another poem to my arsenal. Thank you for enjoying it with me and for letting me know that you did. All in all a great day.
Poets Hand
Fri, 2023-02-10 15:46
Stupid Cupid
This is an easy-flowing read with an interesting rhyme pattern. You've packed the story with detail, yet still keep a logical rhyme throughout. Befitting to the title challenge!
Poets Hand
Fri, 2023-02-10 15:58
Stupid Cupid
I wasn't sure whether I should go with the mythology angle or try something new. In the end I thought the stories of Cupid deserved to be retold with valentines day coming up and all.
Thank you for your valued comment.
Poets Hand
Alex Tanner
Fri, 2023-02-10 18:06
Took me a while to get into the rhythm of this one. Had to read it aloud several times. Once I had it I enjoyed it immensely. Not an easy tale to tell. Alex.
Poets Hand
Fri, 2023-02-10 19:53
stupid cupid
You are right and I will admit it wasn't easy. It probably needs more work but I don't think it will ever go down in history as one of the all time greats. Ha ha
It was fun to do and a challenge for the title.
Thanks for taking the time to comment I appreciate these comments very much.
Poets Hand
Fri, 2023-02-10 18:41
I love this! Your stories are fantastic! I am a big fan of mythology and you nailed it.
Poets Hand
Fri, 2023-02-10 19:59
Stupid Cupid
I also love the classical tales but frequently get Greek and Roman mythologies mixed up. Its difficult to get a clear interpretation of the ancient tales especially since Google gives so many variations on the theme. I have to resort to a very old book I have called "Brewers - The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable"
Thanks for your comments they give me great encouragement.
Poets Hand