Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.
Look not forward.
Look not back.
Focus on today.
Forward, ever-shrinking,
Will erode your will.
Focus on today.
Backward, stretching into haze,
Can lead one to regret.
Focus on today.
Today, here only control exists,
To share a life with those you love.
Focus on today.
Style / type:
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity):
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction):
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage:
Content level:
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.
Fri, 2023-12-08 04:30
Neopoet AI (premium) - 5-29-23 version
The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:
This poem effectively communicates the message of living in the present, using repetition to emphasize the theme. However, it could benefit from more concrete imagery to evoke emotions in the reader.
The repetition of "Focus on today" functions as a refrain, providing structure and rhythm to the poem. However, the use of abstract language like "ever-shrinking," "stretching into haze," and "here only control exists" may not fully engage the reader's senses or emotions. Consider incorporating more concrete and sensory language to create vivid images in the reader's mind.
The line "To share a life with those you love" is the only one that mentions other people or relationships, which seems to be a significant part of the poem's message. Expanding on this aspect could add depth to the poem and make the theme more relatable to readers.
The poem also uses simple, direct language, which can be effective in communicating a clear message. However, varying the sentence structure or incorporating more complex language could add interest and sophistication to the poem.
Lastly, the poem could benefit from a more detailed exploration of the theme. The current version presents the idea of focusing on the present as a simple, straightforward choice, but in reality, this concept can be complex and challenging. Delving deeper into this struggle could add depth and complexity to the poem.
Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to
Fri, 2023-12-08 05:42
Dear Steven,
Yesterday has passed, leave its hurts behind. Tomorrow has not happened yet. Concentrate on today for it is all you really have. It is here and now... (make the most of it for it is all you have.) Did I get it right?
*love, Cat
When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.
Unca Fez
Fri, 2023-12-08 08:41
Most Assuredly
Most assuredly, you've got it, exactly.
Fri, 2023-12-08 07:47
Yesterday has passed
How I wish I could let go of yesterday. Today seems challenging but tomorrow is not promised so I have vowed to live before I die. I have lost many this year, some in death and some because the friendships have just come to a close. It has been a tough pill to swallow for sure. Your poem puts things in perspective and reiterates the importance of focusing on the now. Well done.
Unca Fez
Fri, 2023-12-08 11:19
Thank you!
It is hard to let go of past mistakes and things lost. Without letting go, though, it is most difficult to hold on to what we have today. Trying to stay focused on that gets me through my days.
Thanks for reading and sharing.
Tue, 2023-12-12 22:04
Hello, Steve,
It takes a bit of training to focus on the present. Our minds can be so wired with regret or anxiety. I really like the repetition in this - a solid affirmation.
Thank you!
Unca Fez
Tue, 2023-12-12 22:18
Thank you!
Thanks for reading and commenting.
I agree. It is work to not let past regrets or future fears de-rail you. It is one of the mainstays in any 12 step program: focus on the things you can change. It is a daily battle.
Wed, 2023-12-13 07:09
One more thing...
In this set:
Look not forward.
Look not backward. (Look not back) in this usage only the other one is fine.
Focus on today.
I think it sounds better. Backward here sounds stilted and rote you may either use my idea or not. It is your decision and your poem.
*hugs & wishes, Cat
When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.
Unca Fez
Wed, 2023-12-13 08:31
Regarding "One more thing..."
I had considered this. I went back and forth on it a number of times, but couldn't make up my mind. Since you suggest it, I think I will go with your suggestion.
Thank you for resolving my wishy-washy!
Wed, 2023-12-13 08:36
and another thing "control" is merely an illusion ...
*your "other" Cat
When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.
Ruby Lord
Wed, 2023-12-13 08:40
I enjoyed your poem, I liked
I enjoyed your poem, I liked the way you used repetition in it and made your point. Well done, Ruby :) xx
Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.
Unca Fez
Fri, 2023-12-15 16:01
Thank you!
Thanks for reading and the comments. I'm not a student of poetry, so most of what I do write may be a bit unconventional. Most of it is just what feels right.
Fri, 2023-12-15 15:29
The present is all there
The present is all there really is. The past is gone the future a dream.
Very nice poem, realistic.
Unca Fez
Fri, 2023-12-15 16:03
So True
Time only gives us the now to do anything. Thanks for reading. Glad that I could touch something in you.
Sat, 2023-12-16 20:04
Tomorrow isn’t promised so
Tomorrow isn’t promised so today is what we have and yesterday it is what we left behind. I like this poem it has so much value. Never put off what you can do today.
Unca Fez
Sun, 2023-12-17 21:36
Thank you!
I appreciate you reading and commenting on my work.
This is what gets me through the day. I can't let myself be distracted by the past or the future.