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Unexpected Allies
Many have told me that our time is over
I may be unlucky but you were my clover
Kiss you cuz you’re Irish I did
But look at how my heart has fallen and slid
A new source of strength has been found
A community that won’t let me touch the ground
Their poetic embrace is tonic to the soul
To return to me what love has stole
Their words of wisdom resonate intensely
For them I am grateful immensely
Kindred spirits that can see through my eyes
Their understanding was a relief and a surprise
Never did I thought my work would be appreciated
For people like them I have patiently waited
To listen to the story my heart wishes to share
With their critique I feel like they actually care
I have found my clan which I belong
With their support I realized I have to be strong
To restore my faith to what it once was
I shall rise back to prominence
Mon, 2022-06-06 11:51
dear Ethereal Requiem,
some poetic pieces can be enhanced with punctuation, some stand on their own. if you want help with punctuating, I can help you with that? in this line:
Never did I (thought) my work would be appreciated (swap think for thought)
I like these lines best:
I have found my clan which I belong
With their support I realized I have to be strong
To restore my faith to what it once was
I shall rise back to prominence
*hugs, Cat
When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.