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your choice
your choice
of growing with loneliness
as a tree abounds in a deserted land
with winds blowing up only sand
and then there in the midst of an oasis
widens a mirage
as it blanks the mind
you chose loneliness
to that hopeful mirage,
which draws mankind
perhaps twas no mirage
but an apparition of mind
in the deepest
darkest and solitary refines
which make you
and depressiveness design
the choice was yours
to save your penny,
as the ones were staring at your money
you left them far behind
also with no company
the choice was yours!
Now live in self bought misery!
Style / type:
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity):
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage:
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.
Sun, 2014-06-15 08:42
I'm not sure we've spoken too much
Still let's talk about this idea. It makes me wonder who hurt you. I am in this mode with my most recent love who sold herself out and gave into all the typical facades of my lost generation. She chose pettiness over me when I had begged her to stop. Now she is galavanting to shallow 1 night stands and though it may not be now. Someday she will come back. And I may even show her this. I think while it's not good to see someone else suffer with me, it is nice to know I'm not alone. I think you may be stronger then me though because I always look back to her. But I'll have to harden my heart. Because now 3 years have been swept away. Still before she changed 3 years were spent making me who I am. And I'll always love who she was when she was with me. I hope you took this better then I did. Please keep writing I look forward to making your next poem loved
Unto Oblivion, We Depart
Sun, 2014-06-15 08:42
I'm not sure we've spoken too much
Still let's talk about this idea. It makes me wonder who hurt you. I am in this mode with my most recent love who sold herself out and gave into all the typical facades of my lost generation. She chose pettiness over me when I had begged her to stop. Now she is galavanting to shallow 1 night stands and though it may not be now. Someday she will come back. And I may even show her this. I think while it's not good to see someone else suffer with me, it is nice to know I'm not alone. I think you may be stronger then me though because I always look back to her. But I'll have to harden my heart. Because now 3 years have been swept away. Still before she changed 3 years were spent making me who I am. And I'll always love who she was when she was with me. I hope you took this better then I did. Please keep writing I look forward to making your next poem loved
Unto Oblivion, We Depart
Sun, 2014-06-15 08:48
you don't know me at all
we have never walked the park
but ask Ian or Stan
and ask Jess,
if a poet at all I am
Then do read my verse ,
it's mostly imagination at worse.
some compose poetry out of personal experience
few like me are a curse
they enter into forbidden domains
and then create such a verse.
Hope that puts this piece in the right perspective
and so be it!
you are most welcome to my domain>>.
Sun, 2014-06-15 09:06
You want to talk about
You want to talk about forbidden...I wrote one...thats on here called "Dishonorable Intentions" if you wanna go down the rabbithole and dirty your fluffy tail...not challenging just trying to relate a little
Unto Oblivion, We Depart
Sun, 2014-06-15 11:07
I thought I was being nice but
u seem to slice
thanks and be a sport
at times
Mon, 2014-06-16 04:06
You know what, this piece is very good, one of those we wait for from that young Bard as he struggles with the poetic scene.
Shall ye tell the truth of life? Or borrow from your kin the stories that abound out there where we never tread.
One day Loved you will give us a name that we could call you as loved is in the past, there is sometimes a need to talk to the one in the now.
I suppose to be loved, there must have been, or there is, another being as a shadow to the one we know by their writing.
One day young Bard we will know your name will it seem the same as Loved,
Yours Yenti
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
Mon, 2014-06-16 09:04
I had to read ur version... over and over again
R u sure Ian
it was meant to be 4 me
God bless thee
some day you
okay ya''ll
as per Stans wont
all will know me
Mon, 2014-06-16 11:41
An annoying Mouse you C, (anonymously)
A name must have been given thee.
That you shareth not, is plain to C.
We will make hence forth a name for thee.
I shall call you "mouse" that you annoy me.
Little bites in our skirting board is most all I C.
Now I is after thee or maybe Digit as he is near
He will not worry about a name, but he may share
Your Flesh as with a merchant we know
The blood is not a problem to him
He didn't know young Bills whim.
So you wear a mask on the back of your head
Though not a Tiger Digit has to be fed.
You may save yourself from such a fate
To give us a name err it is too late.
Maybe tomorrow he will visit you
Digit knows you will make a good stew
So think on young Bard
Or you be melted down to make lard.
See bits of you soon,
Yours, Jack Sparrow
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
Mon, 2014-06-16 12:46
NO MAN has yet been born
NO MAN has yet been born
to mousy me
no man has yet been born
to scare me
no man will ever be born
to destroy me
no man well ,,,,
now you can add on ,....
about woman I won't say
lest they bury me
ALIVE one day
so anonymous till my last breath
I shall for ever stay
No Nobel will ever come my way
now Ian you
ur digit can't have your way
side away
let me pass this way
but once
Omar Khayam did say
...'''we walk this way but just once...''''
then you will remember
the loved one
shed no tears
this is the miniature bard
tis your gift divine
and it makes me feel fine ..
Hope some critics are sleeping..
Dead in the middle of the night!
Tue, 2014-06-17 03:22
Anny mouse
Young Bard as this piece is the same as a reply to a comment made on one of your writes I will use my same reply, saves me writing something new, lol..
An annoying Mouse you C, (anonymously)
A name must have been given thee.
That you shareth not, is plain to C.
We will make hence forth a name for thee.
I shall call you "mouse" as they annoy me.
Little bites in our skirting board is most all I C.
Now I is after thee, or maybe Digit as he is near
He will not worry about a name, but he may share
Your Flesh as with a merchant we know
The blood is not a problem to him
He didn't know young Bills whim.
So you wear a mask on the back of your head
Though not a Tiger, Digit has to be fed.
You may save yourself from such a fate
To give us a name err it is too late.
Maybe tomorrow he will visit you
Digit knows you will make a good stew
So think on young Bard
Or you be melted down to make lard.
See bits of you soon,
Digit is not a man that walks the Earth, J Sparrow walked it many years ago in the days of Transportation to the colonies, he forgot to pay for a loaf of bread and was sent to Botany Bay. Not as the great Bards Merchant who was fictitious, Digit and Jack Sparrow were and are real lol.
They cannot rest from their tasks one to kill the other to record the things that happens..
Take extra care Young Bard, loves your comment,
Yours Jack the Lad Rotflmao
'''we walk this way but just once...''''was stated by Long John Silver many years ago in Treasure Island..
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..