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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Too Dumb For A Title

chatterbox jiber jabber yak attack clackin' clatter

this can happen on paper too
it does all the time
I know
I do

as the verbal vandal, striking again,
I ramble and amble to
no logical end

practice and practice
that's what they say
and I could be named
..."Motor Mouth of the Page"


Standing alone for all to stare
immodest limbs slowly sway
taking no notice, doesn't care
what you might think of the display

Only one light on comely form
but, then, one's all that's needed
disrobing has become the norm
gawking and dropped jaws go unheeded

Garish garb is slowly shed
slow dancing to an unheard tune
there goes the cloth of mostly red
full nudity will be here soon


With always busy life
from every side defiled
by those whom unending strife
took to new lows of sin reviled

I suddenly realized
their cold antipathy
successful living demonized
was nothing but a bleak facsimile
of the human psyche unraveled.


the Discontent began -
surreptitious and slow,
stirring beneath a cauldron
of pained resentment
neither owned,
nor wished to know

Assiduously acknowledged as normal, "part of growth"
The blows became insidious
glancing past repose.
Striking at the very heart of her being
This man rescinding his gifts -
His love, His feelings.

(eddy styx:) Dark Moon

Dark Moon

being not fond of moonlight
When I ply my trade
I tend toward the filmy
veil of shadows and
the dark moon mysteries
my excellent night vision
keeps me on target
bringing me to your
irresistible circular stair
where I the candle snuffer
will extinguish your fragile flame
and shed a heartfelt tear
as I witness the fading embers
and the one pure moment
of created dying art

darkest night

inside each melody --
fragrant spark
playing round us

incandesces everything
at once

on light beams, songs
for their own pleasure play

desideratum's designedly
desiring desist of
insanity's mare of night

melodies play on
nonetheless, so there will
be light in darkest night.


Margaret Ann Waddicor, 16th November 2010.

A moment look on high
be swallowed by the sky (I did just that and was swallowed)
self esteem find the cream/queen
deep in the mind
unless you are a sychophant
a damned great social elephant.

Prejudices ridden
illusions gone
religion's confusions cleared away
all fear of others judging
what and why you tick
whether you conform to norms


Uncoil, with gradual breaths
Open your eyes ,refocus,
 twenty twenty vision..

span the breadth
and width , expand.

Laugh, cry, scream 
Let it all out.
Expose yourself to reality.

span the breadth
and  width,

London Is Calling!

London Is Calling!

Hello all aboard
This is Londoner poet calling
Attention all Londoners
Shirley Harrison is
about to be landing

Unfurl your masks
besides her stand
Give a bouquet
or a garland in her hand
All Londoners now stand
Give a standing ovation
To dear Shirley

Who is this Neopoet?
Well known too!
Arrives now early
London to thee
Dear Shirley
Can in the din
You hear Me.?

Thieves Of Fate

harbingers, soothsayers, seers, witches
begone, scat, remove theselves
from my world's events

liars, the lot
tenders of calamity and confusion
the only fate can be known for sure
is my wrath for trifling in my presense

take thy clownish selves to partake
in a carnival of pleasures and games
jokesters and jesters by your sides
and a gaggle of ogling patrons to witness
this silly and sad melodrama you produce

mine own eyes and mind will deliver
the calculus, and decision


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