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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


Youthful vigour buried in history.
Forsaken by her kith and kin,
Languishing in mute agony.

Naive Or Unassuming!

Reversioned poetry

Naïve or Unassuming!

A great deal
For your everlasting and solid support
As always,
albeit I impose positivity
In all human beings
I at times portray a default
though it may just be
An act of lack of wisdom


As they always said
Naivety meaning stupidity
but I learned as time lapsed
ere I really collapsed
I became unassuming
Slightly a shade better
Than being gloomy

She Needs A hug Right Now

She Needs A Hug Right now
She's thinking somber thoughts again
I can see the worry furrows
Her mouth is tightened to a frown
She says; "I'm worried don't you know"
I kiss her brow so tenderly
She must feel it matters

Seedling's seed to Earth

Seedling’s seed to Earth

Simple seedling, to seed then shoot,
I pray you grow into a peoples brute.
Quiet, soft are all good and well,
but some won’t listen until you yell.

That mother Earth a champion needs,
our bravest hero now concedes.
And though I lurch into an absurd,
the champion I plant, a simple word.

Banish tyranny’s evil sword and gun,
there are spoken battles, that must be won.
Let all who live on this inhuman land,
know, no more will die from a raised hand.

Sweet Loneliness

Never did I encounter
Such a love that
Blossoms at the sight
Of my dismay

Oh sweet loneliness
Why, do I hold onto to you?
Have I not the strength
To bid you farewell

As I shed a rainstorm
You observe me silently
As if you fathom my
Dark skies

Loneliness, even though
You cause me harm
I have a warm place
For you in my heart

You’re unlike the rest
Oh you don’t torment my soul
Instead you embrace my agony
Leading me to believe
That someone cares


Is poetry a type of math
with measured and oft random flow
which can be charted on a graph
the kind the mathematicians know ?

Or is it some kind of an art
with strokes of pen instead of brush
where visuals are the main part
built in layers with no rush

Maybe it is pure emotion
exhibited for all to see
by anyone who takes a notion
to set their inner feelings free

Some say music's what it is
with all the rhythm and the rhyme
composed by some verbal whiz
intent on beat and keeping time

Simply Three

They Say!
They say times
Are for ever changing
All time is never the same
Tis a fact of life
But love is something
That should never change
Ah! Lust
Within the cusps of love
We must for ever retain.

Naturally Natural!
At times I love being
In my natural form
As nature saw me
When I was born,
That naturalness
Makes me love those
Who do always surround
All the year long
This life
Time around!


This piece is a co-write with my good friend Ziggy. This is a poem/song written for Candlewith (Cat). It may not be apparent exactly why we wrote it in this way and the subject matter may not be appreciated by all, that said, I can safely say this is the most important piece I have ever been involved in and I thank Ziggy for helping to create this piece. From both Ziggy and myself...welcome back Sister.



Margaret Ann Waddicor 7th November 2010.

I love silence,
its potent pregnancy,
its contrast probably because my mind's
so busy creating the sound of words
of music,
of interest in so much,
that it needs this to survive,
without burning itself up in the too much!

we all have our place of living
those tinniest of anmals live fast heart-beat lives
while huge beasts content themselves
with more peaceful pass times.

Mum kept ours in a brightly coloured tin

There weren’t very many photos back then.
Carefully stored and lovingly treasured,
Mum kept ours in a brightly coloured tin
safe on the bookshelf in our father’s den
bound with elastic to hold down the lid.
There weren’t very many photos back then.
All counted not more than fifty and ten
those black and white images remembered.
Mum kept ours in a brightly coloured tin,
hung over us like an old mother hen
when to see them we begged to be allowed.
There weren’t very many photos back then


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