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day was a rasher of bacon
sizzling in too hot a skillet

judge said -- thirty days
next case

I was a greasy spot --
a turd on the tarmac

I felt like ashes.

Flight LIne To Nowhere

I no longer attempt to jump the moon,
touch the stars,
nor kiss the sky
trying to get beyond
a man
earth bound

"out there"
"in here"

tailored of
Mobius strips
of heart and soul
designed especially
to see
all that need be seen
by man
as man
and grounded for life


She stood on top of the crest of the falls,
As sunlight danced within the rushing waters.
Hands spread upwards in meditation,
Speaking to the inner powers to appear.
Her full-length emerald green cloak
Whipping in the wind that burst forth.
As she stood on top of Kaaterskill Falls,
The wind gushed, throwing her hood aside
Letting loose a wave of waist length auburn hair.
Her green eyes flashed as she chanted.
Dazzling rays of prism light
Danced forth from her right hip,
Her powers, being flocked together.


I wish I were a bird;
could soar above the clouds
and touch the moon

fly faster than the speed of light
and hear the planning
of tomorrow

take wing against the march of time
and listen to the voices
of the past

or simply be;
glide upon currents of air,
observe the beauty of steamy tropic forests,
feel the icy cold of snowy mountain peaks,
perhaps, taste the tang of wild salty seas
and then perch, nonchalantly,
in a favorite tree.

© Tonya Greenlee


You say there is nothing left to say
And that I have crossed the line to many times
So we stand in separate silences
Apart in heart and apart in body
So why won’t you hear, my solemn apology

Yes, I still love you
But what good could it do now?
Yes, I still dream you
But what does it matter now?

So don’t cry, when you’re lonely
This was your idea to part ways
And I know I have made mistakes
But you’ve made them too along the way


* sung to the tune of " Deck the Hall With Boughs of Holly "

'Tis the season to be greedy
falalalala lalalala
Buy for yourself, to hell with the needy
falalalala lalalala
Don we now our tailored clothes
falalalala lalalala
While elevating well bred nose
falalalala lalalala

desert love

love is a
a tree
that flowers in
the desert

if it bears no fruit,
its branches
turn to
inevitable dust--

to be blown on
whispering winds
of sadness and grief
so deep,

even angels weep.

Mild Rebellion

I pay homage to the music of my youth,
To the decade filled with teenage hang ups
and mild rebellion.

To the heaven of 7inch singles and long players,
The Birdie Song and Jive Bunny,
a disgrace.
 The first  single ever purchased
Gary Numan's Cars, 
Second Soft Cell's Tainted Love.

I recall a loathing for New Romantics, due to Mr Le bon
I hate Duran Duran  to this day.
Tolerated Spandau Ballet, Tony Hadley had a great voice.
 Loved Adam Ant, a genre all his own..

Their different ways! Only Way

Their different ways! Only Way
Be candid,
Avoid being rancid,
Let all see
The moving of
The train slowly
As the doors shut
The world outside is cut,
The train moves on,
The sojourn is now on
Two trains they caught
One gong East
The other North
The distances widened
Far apart there was nothing then
To be lost,
The sojourn was on
To a lonely resort,
Awaiting there was
Someone’s consort

The Vist

One night long ago,
In my darkest hour,
I felt through my soul,
A unspeakable power.

A whisper to forsake,
All that was right,
Sudmit myself to evil,
Give in to the fight.

It told be being good,
Had nothing to gain,
But bitter dissapointment,
And unbearable pain..

But If I followed the darkness,
The whisper promised me this,
I would feel only victory,
In the wonderful abyss.


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