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Simple human

Just a small simple human,
A heart that beats, a soul that yearns,
Full of love but often meets hate,
A spirit that burns, but often learns.

I wanted to be something more,
To soar above the mundane shore,
To reach for stars, to touch the sky,
But the world seemed to pass me by.

Sharing inside fire with everyone,
A beacon of warmth, a light that's spun,
Yet shadows dance, and doubts arise,
Can you see it in my eyes?

Where do I belong, in this vast expanse?
Is there a purpose, a chance, a dance?
Lost in the maze, a path unclear,
Seeking solace, fighting back fear.

But hope still flickers, a fragile flame,
A whisper of strength, a whispered name,
A journey unfolds, a path to find,
My own true self, my own true mind.

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Hello, Anna,
A wonderful introspective poem. Humble, but recognizing the need to belong to the universe with a sense of purpose. The first stanza rhyme pattern is noticeably different from the others - the others have such a tight rhyming pattern. Wonderful title and theme.
Thank you!

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