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Song of the past

I had a thought of you, back when I met you
Angelic thoughts, painted right
A song I'd play, often nights
Gazing the sky, while standing by
Awaiting time, for you to be mine

I was manifesting and nearly had
I may have rushed for what we had
Barely there, the love you shared

I did compare, the thing we had,
To the one with her, a girl from the past
The one I birthed, when I saw you there
You looked like her,
I saw you like that

It wasn't meant to be, and that is hard
The way it ended, is the way it was,
Before it even begun
It doesn't matter now
I am okay, I am alright
And I hope you are, too

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that this was a possible [what I call] two for.
The theme is a mix of two different thoughts, with no clear definition between them.
I had the feeling that the scenario was one of mourning for the child you never had
and, or the one that you did have and were separated from, [no matter the circumstance].

On the technical aspect of this piece, I see that you have used [had] frequently and within a few words or lines.
I think it would read a bit better if you used different words.

"I was manifesting and nearly [did].

"I did compare the thing we "were"

This is a very touching piece that I think you will revise after the initial post.
Let it settle a day or two, and then go back to look at it. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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