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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

A long string of horseshit poems

when you're just not
inspired that much
or just writing
out of obligation
one tends to just
produce junk
worthless crap

like the poem before
and the one before that

But hell, who's perpetually
hooked into the muse
or always obsessed
with perfection
and finely tuned in

Writing these things they call poems
is just an outlet
for the flow of substandard
that makes up
almost all of my
inventive thinking

less is more

It got me thinking
make more out of less

like a good omelet
eggs, bacon, cheese
thats all

I bought a cheesecake
the other day
and I have eaten
most of it
no fruit compote
or sauce at all
it's delicious

then there's
my favorite sport
a simple game
offensive plan
put the puck in their net
defenseive plan
keep the puck out
of our net

Reflections II...

I see the light
Do you now?
Yes, I really do

I quake in fright...
You have a fearless brow
No one would think that's you

I see my faults too clearly
Blind men shuffle slowly
I've run away from pain

You've paid a price most dearly
I am the lowest of the lowly
You had nothing you could gain

Pictures don't do justice to my blackened soul
You look just fine to me
Peer deeper, deeper yet



I came to make my peace
And set foot upon his sands
Under the banner of trust
He deceived with blood on his hands

I came to give him a chance
And knocked upon his gate
The alliance was short lived
His arrogance was his final mistake

Discriminate, eliminate, annihilate
Intimidate, exterminate, eradicate

Intimidate, exterminate, eradicate
Discriminate, eliminate, annihilate

73rd street

73rd street

rasping cough explodes
from cold, $2.00 room.

Leon peers through
filth-clouded glass, across
snow winter-scape at sparkling,
snow covered everything--
fretful city sleeps.

Astral Eyes

I can be calm with you
feel the settling
of crashing emotions,
my internal tempest.

I wear your affection
draped like a favorite quilt,
quietly my heart sings
with the clear, amiable
tenor of your voice.

I am mesmerized by your
astral eyes,
cinnamon sugar stars
trimmed by velvet brown skies.

In your tender embrace
my breath is relinquished,
ceasing time
I lose my place.

I am intensly aware
of only your presence
soothing my impoverished soul.


. . .

. . .


A poem in rhyming couplets ( I think )

The chicken farmer almost cried
when his last good rooster died

Without a cock to breed his hens
he'd go broke and lose his friends

So he called ROOSTERS- R- US
but their reply just made him cuss

They had just sold their last one
to his cousin's nephew's son

What the heck was he to do
without a bird to see him through ?

After much worry and thought
he said, "The farmers' jockey lot !".....................(an outdoor flea market)


Watching the floating leaves in fall
touch down gently upon the earth
they seem to cover its naked form
in a blanket of heavy emotion...

Caressing the simmering earth below
they clutch to its passionate warmth
till the whisper of a brewing breeze
scatters them to spread their charm..

Strewn along in a pattern so rich
woven with golden silken streams,
the earth below now comes alive
as tender love within it sprouts...

My Little Red Caboose

she's my little red caboose
her windows a little loose
tucked away under a tin shed
white lattice trim, a coat of red

an old relic of the past
was built to last
real wood is a beauty of mine
my mobile home enduring time

nestled under pine trees
on a hill to catch the breeze
over looking Toledo Bend lake
you'll find me taking a break

from my many repairs
giving up in despair
I'll just cast a line
oh! this life of mine


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