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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.



I hope that you will understand:
I have no need to win her heart-
I just have years of need to know,
Did she understand the part
Of me she saw so many years ago,
One April night, when time stood still?
She'd looked into an emptiness
That only you have filled…

LEGEND of THE FALL (chapter 2 and 3 )

Mid summer bakes the crispy pines
and stills the deep dark hardwood hollows
as deer quickly acrue their tines.
Evenings are filled by darting swallows.

Here where The South came to its end,
where life moves at a slower pace,
all of the locals still pretend
that Abbeville holds naught but grace.

They act as if he is not there.
They shrug off those gone missing in the fall.
It's almost as if they don't care.
Until the autumn's leaves begin to fall.

Yes ,Summary Disposal

Yes,Summary Disposal

You are now falling out
In the wilderness
I hope some one shall come
To hold your hand

I am a positive person,
I only inject a positive injection
In the minds of those ailing
Or in life they’re trailing

Upon your soul,
Treat me as a total stranger,
God sent to bring you out
From a reverie,
That I see.

As science advances
In your time
Your minds eye
Will be instantly tapped
By microchips implanted
In the near future

The Reconciliation

a series of thunder broke the silence,
as the wind blew hard that it took away my faith,
the fiery fleet were now purified by that great cobalt stone
the underworld covered with heaven's frost.

ashes from the flames were used to rebuild the castle of Lucifer,
which will be the hall of the resurrected souls from Hades..
the wall that then separates the two worlds
turned into a golden bridge that makes both worlds paradise...

klaxon's holler

terrible wish that all will be fine
screaming in a foggy night
without a sound heard
by any ear
but the one in your head

a kind of madness
that sound begets
hardly delicate --
klaxon's shriek of awareness
sounding doom on one note only

sounded first on first day
long through years
'til last day
in human ears

loudest at the end --
then silent
over -- it's over
silence gathers


Hectic search in the mind's forest,
Dicker hearts, yea, heart for heart.
Two or three immutable minds appeared,
Smiles in cheek but gloom in heart,
The reluctant hearts repel, Oh, repel!
A taboo to the dense forest, yet he moved
He saw wonderful beasts, terrible and good,
Now he lost his way, he wanders in the dense wood,
He began to write poems flowing from the heart,
Then he was hungry to drink the intoxicants,
The juice of some drug-plants inspired him,
Gulped a mouthful of fantastic dreams,

Valleys of Lows

valleys of lows
mountains of highs
too many hellos
too many good byes

I didn't know
it could hurt so much
loosing someone
who's grown cold to my touch
I didn't know I could be so wrong
about something so right
I let go, when I should of held tight
our troubles we didn't bother to face
now has led to words we can't erase
we let our anger and hurt smolder
as our hearts grew lonelier colder

coded message

under the layers
of simple text
are these
coded meanings

and they are
difficult to
decypher without
knowing the writer
or something about
their motives

It's not at all
easy to find a
place to start
or a point of reference

It's all in there
you just have to search

reading is the only option
begin at the
first sentence

it helps if it's



Sharpened knives and pieces of wood
Weapons ready for the gangland fight
Fractured bones and open wounds
The war has begun with no end in sight

Baseball bats and pieces of brick
Weapons ready for the warfare fight
Busted faces and shattered skulls
The war is full of malice and spite

This is gangland warfare
A rampage through Hell
This is the badland nightmare
Where all the tainted dwell

Oh! Dear Tanya!

Oh! Dear Tanya!

Tanya you do allure
I shall return
Surely for some more
Clues of course

Where in this ocean of time
Can a soul searcher find?
A friend of thy kind,
In the vastness of the wilderness
They say it’s like eternity
I call it the trinity
Life, body and soul,
Where we all strive
To become one whole


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