Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


Ugly little caterpillar,
Crawling in my hand,
Do not be sad, my tiny friend,
One day you will be grand.

You will cover yourself with silk,
Then sleep the winter long,
You will awaken with a burst,
At the mockingbirds first song.

For when the sun melts the snow,
In her throne up in the sky,
You will be born again,
My darling you will fly!

Bright colors, your wings will have,
How pretty you will be!
Just hold tight my little friend,
Soon you will be free.



seeking my own council
watching clock that only tics for me

writing the dirge to be sung by a silent voice
on my passing

lest I forget
I am not this flesh, these words, or the vow of chastity
I have broken again and again

freelance pedestal of light
illuminates a lost cause

perfection glances at its own

counting them on fingers and toes
of amputated limbs
still warm
as necrosis sets in.


30 November 2010


The wind is gusty, rain is cold
and falling down in sheets.
Staying home bound's getting old
( I tire of eating snacks and sweets. )

I usually love the leafless trees
but not on days so wet and dreary,
even the wildlife all agrees
of clouds and cold they're also weary.

But it's warm and dry inside.
I think I'll light a cheery fire
to chase the chill from my child bride.
perhaps to kindle new desire ?

Don't Call Her Grace

Was it a push or a fall?
You denied any violence ever happened at all.
I watched you slowly crawling up the stairs
then waited as you lie there
too afraid and stunned for my teardrops to fall
I listened to him rage and kept my back against the wall.

Most nights I lay there in the dark
hearing every cry you would make
I felt your fear and closed my eyes
torn between relief and guilt
hoping to shut out your pleas for mercy’s sake
for that night I was spared.

Snowflakes For Brandy

I love to take walks
While big heavy snow flakes
Dance in the sky
They are in no hurry
In a hurried world
Their beauty is in their silence

I like to lift my face towards heaven
As angels sprinkle the flakes
Upon my lashes
And the tip of my tongue

They make me dream dreams
They calm me
When I need to be calmed
They put peace in my soul

When I have reached that place
That no one can take away from me
I slip back to the warmth of a fire place
And drink hot chocolate

Texas Tumbleweed

the wild West Texas wind
seduced a little tumbleweed
says you look like you need a friend
huffed and puffed and she was freed

she tumbled from town to town
caught up in the summer breeze
she's seems nowhere to be found
another flirt and just a little tease

will she ever settle down
let someone hold her tight
maybe she will stick around
give things time to work out right


The poems,
three of them,
Were as an inspiration
by Seren,
She asked me to
pack up my old templates
And write a new,
So the

River Of No Return,
became due.

Then Shirley said
which you have to
Comment perhaps too

a third one was written

Their Different Ways,

Inspired by the American

Hence three poems

Dream Destination

Hope was in driver's seat
coursing on the subconscious freeway
dreaming to a pseudo destination
just beyond the stretch of imagination

Flashes of brilliance leading to a tunnel
"Park your bodies , let go of your final breath,
This way to Salvation"
proclaimed the Signage



You have no friends for company
So you entertain your transparent ghosts
Together you walk hand in hand
With your translucent hosts

They feed you words of violence
Used to break the perfect silence

You stare at the walls in misery
So you listen to your invisible demons
Together you talk face to face
With your crystalline fiends

Their lies you happily spread
Open their mouths to be spoon-fed


I have sat upon
Kaatskill Falls
For a millennium

My arms searching
Reaching skywards
My roots spreading

I have become gazer
Standing testament
Of long times spent

I have witnessed
The inhales and exhales
Of countless days

I have witnessed
Mankind’s brilliance
In fortitude and defeat

I am the original
Birch Tree who
Extends her reach

I am now a grove
Of Birch Trees
Canopying the falls

I am the Sentry
Watchwoman of Earth
Anticipating my rebirth


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.