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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Ashen dawn
Violet kissed
Bruising early morning mist.

Shiver cold
Icy greys
Crystal crunchy winter days.

Feathered fronds
Floating free
Diamond sculpted filigree.

Glitter snow
Crumbly white
Sparkling dusty trinket light.

Sun shimmered
Spangled trees
Rooted in the glister seas.

Golden bloomed
Amber hues
Set in jade and pastel blues.

Glowing moon
Round and bright
Heralding a frosty night.



aching carbon corpus
humiliating adventure --
diaphanated alarm

discovering humiliation
to be first step --
on path to liberation.



I'm off to gather some firewood
where once a copse of hardwoods stood
a place of but stumps and waste tree tops
cleared in the month of acorn drops.

It is a late mid-winter day
with cold winds and sky of gray.
That tree lap near the logging road
will go far in making up a load .

So I park the truck right near
get out the saw and all the gear
but take a pause to look around
at wildlife's former running ground.

Fallen Soul ( updated)

Angelic perversion
fall from grace
banished into the wilderness

He wanders a solitary road
a desolate soul,
the abandoned one.

Hades and the bowels of hell,
behind soulless eyes
the stench of death upon his ragged clothes.

Creeping through the urban undergrowth
ashen heart, so brittle and cold,
Godforsaken, rejected.

Immortality his cross to bear
condemned to exist in purgatory,
A deviant fiend.

Vile transgressor
contrition his eternal torture,
redemption his goal.

poetic succession


There is always a poem after this one;
the understudy to today's centre stage:

This poem however, is never unimportant,
it is as individual as the poem that follows;
many written poems have unwritten forbears-
each poem is breathed and lived; rarely spoken.

The panorama of this poem is found in one place –
the window of its reader's imagination;
so each poem is the beginning point
of new journeys that we join with the poet.

Beneath the Surface (Mom)

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You ignored underneath

my pleas of “take me with you,

don’t leave me here alone”

terrorized, I tried to live through.



In hoary woods I sit alone
hardly breathing, quiet and still
breeze sings a mournful monotone
penetrating bones with sneaky chill

There's little warmth in winter's sun
within this sky of clear deep blue
above a world of gray and dun
where yellow flowers one time grew

Yet this watch I still must stay
and attempt to stay alert
if need be 'till the end of day
while wearing camo coat and shirt

A Passer By!

A Passer By!

Have you not read my poem?

Summary Disposal



Is your mind an open book,
Can they look inside your head?
Do you only still show pages you want read?

What do you tell them when the Horror
Leaves you chilled and drenched in bed?
Are you still oppressed by dreams in Black and Red?

Have you found the man who’s shown you
How to overcome your dread-
Shown you how to pluck those pictures from your head?


in a drift
I notice, but forget
long term memory disengaged

I bet some nice poems
are still a'float in there


never even bumping into each other

what happened?
they might ask
he couldn't find a pencil?

the cream of the crop
made of our own volition
out of whole cloth
the best he has to offer

but, because he can't remember
"save to long term memory mode"
we are all lost,
never to land on a page
or in a song


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.