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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Ann's TAO photo.

Written at midnight thinking
of my TAO photograph:-

Rowing into The Understanding
some of us get to
the other side.

Stepping off the edge
will I sink
or swim

The moon smiles
the stars wink
was it me who blinked

The night shivered
the bushes grew
who knew.

Under the clouds
lies the City
how do you know

Beneath the water
fish swim free
the heron's eye.

The wood lies
the sea turns over
my stomach rumbles



possibility of perfection
up blind alleys
just across the street
around next corner

no luck in the draw
not flesh of good fortune
these are anemic
manifestations in grey scale

compared to inimitability
no mistakes
no guesses
perfection is just that

brilliant white
richest black
no shades of ashen wont
it's there! -- take it!

before it just disappears.


7 December 2010

Lost in the Night

Take me on the wire tonight
And spin me on the worlds delight
Once we were but now we’re not
My blood clots in a sailors knot
So take me to the end of the world
And watch me blur in a brilliant swirl
I was lost in the night
I was lost in the night

Take me to the place where I lied
And put me in the spot light
Let me fix all I broke
Your hearts walls and my slit throat
So take me to where I can’t hide
And make my heart confide
I was lost in the night
I was lost in the night

religion, science and God!

science, religion and God
we all are entitled to our views,
though evolution,
as a part of science can't be overruled,
it is as much essential
to keep integrated
as human beings,
we all can't do away
with God
nor Religion

nor do I want to be isolated
I respect all religions equally,
so no one can call me
an atheist nor irreligious,
nor only scientific
a juggler of
science and religion
perhaps I may be

Communicate This...

Sparks that struggled before burning bright
Particles streaming from blackened holes
Just faint specks of speeding light
Prickles of waking from numbed souls

Solar flares, big, bright and bold
Frozen truths brought to vision
Asteroids lonely, dark and cold
Great ideas, and the odd collision

Elliptical orbits, light years long
Gravity, pulsars and cosmic rays
Blazing comets, come and gone
Super novas, brighter than days


The world long 'fore I was even born
on a tropic December morn
that gave not even slightest hint
of how our world would soon be rent

In the distance Zeroes roar
on their way to grisly chore
to release the dogs of war
upon a distant peaceful shore

In the instant ere the bombs dropped
leading to so many hearts stopped
the sun shone so clear and bright
upon both the wrong and right

Low Life

from the depths of microbia
arose man, and a world

from throngs of ignorance
was born a taught man

from the confusion of knowlege
was made a poet

from the muddiest of mud
grows a beautiful lotus



she balanced her body's substance
of stardust and shadow

on bitter point of
that pin

in glimmered dance

to a music universe
plays on and on
in perfect rhythms

her feet followed each
chord's phrase
as falling rain

caused concentric circles
to glow
as afterthoughts

she smiled for those
who could


6 December 2010

Closer to Home

We all do our small part
to make things better
for ourselves

And sometimes others
notice the differences
and make their own

I've been buying
almost all
of my vegetables
from friends
and farmers markets

A friend explained
the concept
of food miles
and I have consumed
along those lines
for alot of years now

Except for tea
and olive oil,
one has to support
the farmers of far off
enterprises also


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.