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John was surrounded by a clowder
of cats trapping him in his shelter
They were

Undernourised for human flesh
Haggard with dilating glowing
chips of silver green and golden

spearing through, the dim retreat,
Lit by a few waving candles and
Climbing shadows. Their

Bladed claws and famished
of strings of drools, heads

skulking towards him, paws
like blades,
getting nearer.
Pink tongue grooming,
licking off
Human blood soup.

A few years pass a secret military unit are called in
For clean up, and cover up

You might wanna take a look
at this serge
Did you bag the rest of them

Yes sir

OK well play that recording then
We have half an hour until extraction

Before this whole town goes up into
smoking fragments


The town is overrun lately, by
wild cats, roads covered in fur
and excrements, skin have
been found stripped

completely away, from bones
gnawed to splinters, houses,

been raided, town folks have
now been
hunting them for months, under
the blood red moon
nothing a deputy or sheriff

can do, too many to
put away behind them cages.

some dark as fire smoke, some
coated in honey and cream,
waiting in darkness of heights
of knarly trees.

They are feral, and brutal.
Emigrating spilling from god
knows, where.
Resettling into pockets
and burrows
tunnels then onto domestic homes.

Your house cat will change into
something evil if you don't
keep it indoors. We are trying
to prevent anymore bloodshed

it needs to stay away from
others because it will become
infected, from fights because
of lacerations open wounds
so keep it under your roof

Are experiments have shown
a psychological and
transformative change
if they mix they do mutate

Also the red melting blood
Moon infects their behaviours
we have had for months now
It hasn't vanished, or faded.

Its become a war zone

Rifles and twelve guages
are ripping open
the atmosphere
with terrifying stretching

We have become butchers
now goddamn savages
some are just
doing it for sport
and trophys

I'm heartsick, i am now among
the pitilessness. I used to help
the stricken now I've become

People have been found
skins have been sliced
open and
necks been ripped apart by
mobs, of feline killers

we have witnesses
and recordings. We did go
viral, but the Internet
soon lost its signal

Conspiracy theorists
reckons the
government are
involved in this or its
an scientific experiment

or to depopulate or some
goddamn witchcraft
but nothing specific
just them rumours

Bzzzzbzz crackles inteferece

These are new breeds
for human
meat, guts, intestines
Hemoglobin rivers

not wanting treats and
they want
your internal gelatinous
pulpy brains
and binding meat suits.

I'm recording this
before they sniff me

my names John Stone I
was the town
veterinarian and Field
shells left goddammit

Back at the hideout. The military destroy any
Documentation, logs and records

That's enough private I
have heard
enough destroy it
and move out. And private
Yes sir
This never happened

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem presents a narrative with a strong sense of horror and suspense, which is effectively conveyed through vivid imagery and a well-paced plot. However, there are areas where clarity and coherence could be improved.

Firstly, the poem could benefit from more consistent punctuation. There are several instances where punctuation is missing or incorrectly used, which can make the poem difficult to read and understand. For example, "They where" should be "They were," and "Pink toungue grooming," should be "Pink tongue grooming." Correcting these errors would enhance the readability of the poem.

Secondly, the poem's narrative could be more clearly developed. The story of a town overrun by feral cats is intriguing, but the transition between the different sections of the poem is somewhat abrupt. For instance, the shift from the description of the cats to the dialogue between the soldiers is not clearly signaled, which can confuse the reader. Using stanza breaks or other structural elements to indicate these shifts could help to clarify the narrative.

Lastly, the poem's language is sometimes overly complex, which can obscure the meaning of the poem. For example, phrases like "hemoglobin rivers" and "internal gelatinous organs" are striking, but their meaning is not immediately clear. Simplifying the language could help to convey the poem's themes more effectively.

Overall, this poem has a strong concept and effective imagery, but could be improved with clearer punctuation, a more coherent narrative, and simpler language.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

said it better than the A.I. for once I agree with most everything that it says. Overall, a good story, ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Well spotted ty

author comment

Long, but not laborious to read. It may or may not be just a ficticious story. I don't know please fill me in on the truth. This kind of shit can an definately will happen as things in the world get more out of hand. I thought it to be much more than morbidly creative! Great poem and keep writing!

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

Haha Yeah pretty long know just fiction dude, something different, who knows in the future though. Anything can happen right but that will probably be overrun by cyborgs we won't exist because we are idiots.

author comment
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