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Dying Rose

The world seems
to have lost hope
in the streets of

became a bench
that none of us
will sit on.

Love is a rose
that was hidden
from the sun,
waiting to fall,
petal by petal.

Words turn into
fists that break
frozen hearts
into a thousand

If only for a moment,
we could disappoint
the evil that
rules over

Call me insane
for believing
in the times
when we
were united,
not divided.

The funny thing is,
we all want hope
to be seen in the
city, turning tears
into smiles,
giving life to love,
the dying rose.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Dying Rose" uses a variety of metaphors to convey a sense of despair and longing for unity and hope. The metaphors are effective in creating vivid imagery, such as "Compassion became a bench that none of us will sit on" and "Words turn into fists that break frozen hearts into a thousand pieces." These metaphors could be more impactful if they were further developed and connected to each other in a more cohesive manner.

The poem's structure could benefit from more consistency. The stanzas vary in length and rhythm, which can disrupt the flow of the poem. Establishing a more consistent rhythm or pattern could enhance the overall reading experience.

The theme of the poem is clear and resonates throughout the piece. The longing for unity and hope in the face of despair is a powerful message. However, the poem could benefit from a more nuanced exploration of these themes. For example, the poem could delve deeper into why "we all want hope to be seen in the city" and what specific actions or changes could lead to this hope.

The final line, "giving life to love, the dying rose," is a compelling image that ties back to the title of the poem. However, the connection between love and the dying rose could be made clearer earlier in the poem to strengthen this metaphor.

In conclusion, the poem effectively uses metaphors and explores themes of despair and hope. With further development of these metaphors, a more consistent structure, and a deeper exploration of its themes, the poem could have an even greater impact.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

The funny thing is,
we all want hope
to be seen in the
city, turning tears
into smiles,
giving life to love,
the dying rose.

that is exquisite!

*hugs, Cat

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cat for stopping by

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