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At dawn, the Emperor emerged from his tent
He checked his sabre and well-worn tricorn hat
Today’s engagement would reflect time well spent
With honour at stake, not just some local spat
And knowing what accepting this challenge meant
A blood soaked field and all his men knowing that
We’re here to defend our country, all would say
And still be standing at the end of the day
By noon, the air was filled with gunpowder’s scent
Puddles of blood once shining, now mostly matte
A focus to kill, not to be penitent
In his saddle, the enemy general sat
Seeing the day lost and such a failed event
His army destroyed, and no place to be at
He turned back his steed and just galloped away
It would be the end of his time, come what may
Style / type:
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity):
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage:
Content level:
Not Explicit Content
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