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Classical Arabic Women Poets

Classical Poems By Arabic Women:

Wallada bint al-Mustakfi (d. 1091/2)

I am, by God, fit for high positions,
And am going my way, with pride!

Forsooth, I allow my lover to touch my cheek,
And bestow my kiss on him who craves it!

The following lines of poetry were all addressed to her ultimately rejected lover.

Come and see me at nightfall, the night will keep our secret

When I'm with you I wish the sun and moon never turn up
and the stars stay put.

If you were faithful to our love you wouldn't have lost your head
over my slave.

You dropped a branch in full bloom for a lifeless twig

You know I am the moon yet you fell for a tidily star.

Is there a way we can meet and share our love once more?

In the winter I used to wait on hot coals for your visits.

Now I feel worse since you've gone and confirmed my fears.

The nights roll on, but absence stays and patience won't free me
from longing's grip.

I hope Allah waters the new land that's become your home.

By Wallada

Laila bint Sa'd al-Aamiriyya (d. 688)

I have been through what Majnun went through, but he declaimed his love
and I treasured mine until it melted me down.

By Leila

Ask the lightning when it roarrips the nightcalm if it's seen my man as it makes
me think of him.

By Allah, it shakes my heart and turns my eyes into a roaring sky.

I'm jealous of my chaperone's eyes and of the time and place that claim you.

If I keep you in my eyes until the world blows up I'd still want you more.

I know too well those marvellous lips.

By Allah, I'm not lying if I say I love sipping their finerthanwine delicious dew.

The girl with the gazelle neck is here and longs to meet you.

I wonder if she'll be graced with a welcome or told you're indisposed?

If you were not a star I would be in the dark.

Salaam to your beauty from one who misses the thrills of your company.

I send my earthrilling poems to visit you like a garden that can't go visiting but
reaches out with its floating scent.

When we walked along the garden path, there was no smile on the garden's
face but green envy and yellow bile.

And when we stood on the riverbank, the river was not a bubble of rippling
joy, and the dove cooed with spite.

You shouldn't take the world as it looks because you're good.

Even the sky blazed on its stars to scan our love.

Shall I come on you or will you come to me?

I'm always yours whenever you want me.

When you break at noon you'll need a drink and you'll find my mouth a
bubbling spring and my hair a refugashade.

So be quick with your reply as it's not nice of Jamil to keep Buthaina waiting.

I send salaams that charm the petals to life and stir the doves to sing in their

Though out of my sight you permanent my heart.

You shouldn't think your woman will blot out her mind because
you're out of reach.

For as long as I'm around, by Allah, nothing of the kind will happen.

They killed my love then threatened me for wearing my mourning clothes.

Let Allah bless those who grieve or untap their tears for the man killed by his

Let the morning clouds, like his generous hand, shower the earth that blankets

By Hafsa.


You dropped a branch in full bloom
for a lifeless twig

a millennium later Wallada words
resonate in my heart


Glad you liked her poetry I'll be adding to it in the future with other classical poets if you don't mind reading

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I am looking forward to seeing more . Thank you


I've extended the blog of classical Arab women poets for your further inspection. as I may from time to time hope you find it interesting.


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Dearest Dalton Love those pieces ,you of course had already introduced me to the fiery Walladah her salon and her affair with her unfaithful lover and her poetry
Layli and Qays -Majnun also favourites courtesy of your poetry and our chats reading and listening on their story the others are new to me but I will reread and check them out
"If you were not a star I would be in the dark."
Thanks my dearest
(poetic )friend ,thoroughly enjoyed and will revisit for sure ,a lovely blog entry
M x

that was incredible! Wow! I am a thunder-struck-duck... thank you for introducing me to this world of love, sorrow, longing, betrayal and tenacity. the poems are passionately deep, on many levels. I feel blessed to have read this.

*love & hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

So pleased to introduce some beauty into your life though you have known such sorrow and joy sorry if that's not too weird of me to say. I wish you only happiness l

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truth is never unwanted by me. thank you. my mother called me "too stupid to lie" and despised me for it. I have had both Joy and sorrow to the nth degree. as deep is your sorrow, so deep shall your joy be ;) thanks my dear friend.

*many hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

glad you enjoyed my blog

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much enjoyed!,

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you for sharing this with us, in this big world there are always poems and poets unknown.

I have never read any of these and I am blown away, I will be looking forward to more and looking for some on my own.

love and hugs Jayne

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

I had the idea for a blog on a companion piece of modern female Arabic poets and maybe one for men in the future

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Looking forward to your next!!!

Love Always Jayne xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

I wonder if this is your translation from the Arabic original. If yes please refer me to it. I don't remember I've read Walladah before though she's absolutely s famous poetess.
Do you speak Arabic? I wonder.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

No sorry dear I do not speak Arabic though I wish I had that gift. I comprised this blog from a book I own of Classical Arabic Women Poets. It’s hard to find translations of Wallada I know but there is an excellent section on herself and her lover Ibn Zaydun in the Penguin Book of Classical Arabic Literature. Those books can be found on Amazon.

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It's been great talking to you.
I'm hoping to translate some of Arabic treasures.
Already did one or two.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Love to read those translations such things are a passion of mine

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your interest John.
Please tell me if there is any value in this.
Translation is never an easy job.

This is another one. I was just hoping to find someone who can to be able to read the Arabic version as well.
Appreciate your visit any ways John


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Sorry can’t read or write in Arabic but there is a lovely lady from Egypt named Essama Chiba she is to be found on the website All Poetry which I believe you’re a member of too. She will be able to help you. Just say you’re a friend of mine. On that site my pen name is Fallen Minstrel or my given name John Ellis be well dear

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Thank you John for referring to Essama.
if you got a message from the translation I am quite satisfied as it means the translation is working well.
Anyway, I am grateful you're here.
Thank you


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Have sent a message to Essama on All poetry I’m sure she will oblige you in your desires to translate into English a little more competently or to your satisfaction she’s lovely and of course competent in both languages I believe.

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This is a poem I composed on the theme of the love affair between Wallada and Ibn Zaydun one of a few regards John xxx

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