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I logged in to find someone else's poems on my account page and my two have vanished! Anyone have any ideas??? Help...?


it happens to me all the time

i log onto my page ~ my poems are gone,
and in their place is someone else's poems ...usually lou's!
(go figure)

if you hit the 'track' button on your page
(top left) your poems will be there, at the end of
the page

there's obviously a glitch in the system, but
i wouldn't worry too much about it...the poems never
disappear...they just go walkabout...


yes, today everything is back to normal:)

kind regards,


I forgot my old signature so this one will have to do for a while!

author comment

but eventually it all straightens out.
I was glad to see Chez's stuff on my page. *giggle* though I wonder how she'd feel.


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~"It's ALL about the Poetry~

Please join us in The Shark Pool

The "Your Works" and "My Works" buttons currently do not work properly, and the problem is being adddressed.
If you go to your profile page, your work should be listed there, without others'.

Respectfully, Race

"Laws and Rules don't kill freedom: narrow-minded intolerance does" - Race-9togo

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.