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posting limits


Ok I know if I try to post more than one poem in a twenty four hour perios I'll get a warning and the time my last poem was posted

So the question begs to be answered How can some folks have three or more poems posted with the same date stamp and almost the same time

Also if we have a one poem per twenty four hours period

how is it that some folks skirt that by
1- posting in a blog ( I know that at one time we could post there when a poem was still being worked on and needed help) but we now have on the NEW site a little buttonn thatsays actively editing which in my opinion is the same as posting the old way

2- there are also people that will leave a comment on someones poem and all it boilsd down to is they have posted another poem of theirs

HOW is this being fair to those that are abiding and are forced to by warning post only one poem per 24 hours

I'm sorry but I just had to bring this into the open

we now have workshops
Mentors program
Stream(actively editing)
all are place in which a writer may get help with their work

Is it really needed or even permissible to post more than one poem every other place they can find?

Do we need to enforce the rule of one [post per twenty four hours
The purpose of this is so
1- we have a range of people that would like their work helped out by other members
2- No one person is posting a multitude of poems which I sure they do not want editied just a pat on the back for a job well done. In other words they are posting just to be read

Think now what is the purpose of the stream, what is the purpose of Neo

and where were the rebel poets with black berets
the wealthy children like Sexton and William burroughs
stirring up and leading the small troops of poetry thoughts
better take your Remington Rand to the bomb shelter
before Kennedy nukes the communists

or the crazy old poets with missing teeth and long hair
(yee gads Im one of those now!!! )
spitting and hissing away like a downed power line
exciting and dangerous

its always about newbies and veterans
like the old parent and the young teen
or the young teen wanting the rebel parent
to conform and wear burberry

early Neopoet was small
the room was new and fresh
now its established
scarred up from some crashs and misses
like the poets
and like people
some are territorial
and apt to have behavioural idiosyncrisities

there will be people with talent come in
and people will critique
and like all life there will be bullies too
we stopped segregation here in the states
women got the right to vote
poets may still have their name on secret
goverment lists but its not open season
anymore to be a poet
thanks to the rebels who just kept at it
and gave their lives sometimes for their

Sexton was a mother and wife and lover
and poet She did not just pack it away
and join the tupperware club
Burroughs shot his wife and with connections
did not rot in prison nor stop writing

and that doesnt mean Neopoet poets did not
live nor find poetry comes easy
I really should be dedicating my life to my
family but I cant stop writing
I cant stop being amazed at the new and
old writers here

this is not a publishing house
it s more like a coffee house
a living community like Marshal McLuhlan
spoke about (University of Toronto Prof back in
the sixties) (He was a rebel of a sorts and
very brilliant)
this is not the I am better then you house
either If I myself thought that I was shit
hot I wouldnt run people down because of
their craft nor do I not here
I would and will stand up for friends here
and out there in reality

and I like that one can write here openly
it s not like a newspaper that will censure
or not run a point being made

its a pretty amazing place actually
and one that will go through changes
as it ages As it is an open free site

life is about change
poetry is about change

Im poor can anybody send me ten bucks
for coffee and some cheesies??
I will sell some of my poems
to buy sundries to brush my remaining
teeth and wipe my ass

ha ha ha

Love this poetry stuff man
its like awesome!!!!

Thank You!

I think most are like me in that inspirations and poems come in bunches with dry spells in between. I recall and oftenstill manage at times to write 3-4 poems in one day. But by posting one of less per day I can use these poems to bridge the gaps when muse is vacating. Any really good poem will not deteriorate by having to wait a day or two before being posted. And I At least have noticed a steady influx of both new and returning poets. It's easy enough to get lost in the stream without having poets postng more poems than they ever think about commenting on. And are there any truly great poets here? Great question but one not likely to be answered until many many years have passed. In my limited opinion there are some here the near if not equal to some of the greats(and NO I Don't mean me). So long story short, abuses resulted in yet another rule so let's not abuse each other so no more rules will be needed. Just treat one another with a bit of respect and remember there is an actual breathing person at the other end of the cable who would like to be read and offer assistance when they can.............stanPS NOT an official AEC message

Stan, there's a HUGE difference between being respectful and always looking for the posting more than one poem a day, saying what one says and complaining to the AEC because one is unable to take any criticism (for whatever reason, at any time...perhaps when mars aligns with Jupiter or the moon is retrograde.)
And if anyone still thinks a person's poem is more (or less) than the poet who writes it, consider why a poem is written first, then how we have come to recognize the *poet* through his/her poem even without the name or the avatar attached.


Well the posting block is merely a return to what once was(even before I came here) after a failed attempt at hoping everyone would restrain themselves. And sure there are some here with thinner skin than others. Isn't part of the reason for AEC existence to allow them to vent to AEC without confronting those they perceive to have "wronged" them and thus escalating a minor disagreement into outright war? Maybe I have not read this blog thoroughly enough, but who ever said there was a wall between a poet and his/her poetry? And in my opinion the fact that some poets can be recognized by the way they write is not necessarily a bad thing, but rather the developement of a personal style. But back to posting limits lol. Part of showing one another respect is not attempting to "hog" available time to read and comment isn't it? There is no evil conspiracy going on here, just a group of volunteers doing their best to help the site run in a reasonably smooth manner.............stan

I am glad this rule has come back into play. Some don't quite know "what is enough", particularly when they're in need of some external validation - they just 'put out there'. Some might consider it poetry, I see it as a petulant cry for attention, more often than not.


"and they write innumerable poems, being too vain and distracted for silence: seeking every one after his own elevation and dodging his emptiness". T.S. Eliot



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