Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Our seventh series of ten of this workshop is about to start. There is still room for two people to join this workshop.
If you are interested please click the following link

To see how the previous workshop transpired please click below

Neopoet Anthology Announcement!

We have decided to publish a Neopoet anthology with all the poets who have won any of our contests. We will start a contest to select the cover poem of the anthology. Join our contest by clicking the link below

The Neopoem Of The Week has been awarded to Mark for his poem "Feelings of Expressions" Congratulations to Mark on such a fine poem. To read this poem and leave a comment click on the link below. Thank you to the Neopoem Group on picking the weekly winner.

The poem "The Planets" by Steven Klepeis has been selected as the Neopoem Of The Week. Congratulations to Steven Klepeis on his poetic creation. To read this poem please visit:

Thank you to the Neopoem Group on selecting the weekly poem

The poem "First Sudden Moments" by Bmoxie has been selected as the Neopoem Of The Week. Congratulations to Bmoxie on her poetic creation. To read this poem please visit:

Thank you to the Neopoem Group on selecting the weekly poem

Contest description:
Write your best poem of the week!

Create your poem

Learn more about our contests here

Only one poem per member will be accepted.

The winning poem of last month's contest is The blank page of life by Edward nigma

To read the winning poem please visit

Congratulations to Edward nigma on such a fine poetic creation


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.