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God Who ?

I hear people say that God has been kicked out of government, school and the public marketplace. But how is that possible? He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent ... He is everywhere at once! In the Bible King David says, "where could I run and hide from you? If I ascend to the heavens you are there. If I sail beyond the sunrise you are there. Even if I descend into hell, I will find you there." So who and what could kick God out of anywhere? He is the breath of every soul, the power of every government, and owns every space on this planet. We need to magnify Him, instead of reducing His magnificence and making Him subject to our own insecurities. In an instant, He could change people, places and circumstances. At His discretion, all things could come to a complete conclusion. For His pleasure alone do all things exist! Even the devil has to ask permission to move here or there.

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