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Editing - polished draft

Communicate This...

Sparks that struggled before burning bright
Particles streaming from blackened holes
Just faint specks of speeding light
Prickles of waking from numbed souls

Solar flares, big, bright and bold
Frozen truths brought to vision
Asteroids lonely, dark and cold
Great ideas, and the odd collision

Elliptical orbits, light years long
Gravity, pulsars and cosmic rays
Blazing comets, come and gone
Super novas, brighter than days

Reflections II...

I see the light
Do you now?
Yes, I really do

I quake in fright...
You have a fearless brow
No one would think that's you

I see my faults too clearly
Blind men shuffle slowly
I've run away from pain

You've paid a price most dearly
I am the lowest of the lowly
You had nothing you could gain

Pictures don't do justice to my blackened soul
You look just fine to me
Peer deeper, deeper yet



I came to make my peace
And set foot upon his sands
Under the banner of trust
He deceived with blood on his hands

I came to give him a chance
And knocked upon his gate
The alliance was short lived
His arrogance was his final mistake

Discriminate, eliminate, annihilate
Intimidate, exterminate, eradicate

Intimidate, exterminate, eradicate
Discriminate, eliminate, annihilate

Astral Eyes

I can be calm with you
feel the settling
of crashing emotions,
my internal tempest.

I wear your affection
draped like a favorite quilt,
quietly my heart sings
with the clear, amiable
tenor of your voice.

I am mesmerized by your
astral eyes,
cinnamon sugar stars
trimmed by velvet brown skies.

In your tender embrace
my breath is relinquished,
ceasing time
I lose my place.

I am intensly aware
of only your presence
soothing my impoverished soul.


Tortured by Love

Fresh crimson runs down my chest.
Lacerations you made
using my own words
turning them towards me,
using them like weapons
sharp as serrated steel.

I can find no way to recover,
you keep slicing into me
over and over again
inverting my emotions,
assigning me
as my own worst enemy.



Sharpened knives and pieces of wood
Weapons ready for the gangland fight
Fractured bones and open wounds
The war has begun with no end in sight

Baseball bats and pieces of brick
Weapons ready for the warfare fight
Busted faces and shattered skulls
The war is full of malice and spite

This is gangland warfare
A rampage through Hell
This is the badland nightmare
Where all the tainted dwell

Rising From The Aftermath

Rise up from shattering
muse of future once denied,
for in the promises of hopeful climes
only strength of will shall claim demise
of vanquished dreams that halt the stride
of life
across abyss of suffering.

Reach out with sweeping
hand erasing past that yawns so wide,
for in the grime of relished crime
only blessed rise of cleansing time
defeats the constant pouring tide
of hate
across barreness of blaming.

That Guy (Now what?!)

I don't wear pajamas
kid shit
if I wore anything
(but I don't)
prob'bly be
sump'm like
"Hey Stella... Stella"
tore up tank
and maybe
some boxers
but that just means
more laundry
so I doubt they would be
any fresher than
the rest of me
by the way,
no colors, white only
on those boxers
otherwise they start lookin'
too much like
and I do not like

How lovely She Awaits - 3 Haiku suite

'sweet dreams', she purrs
I roll over and tremble
thoughts of losing her

even in unveiled sadness
her beauty incites tears
I cry twice

bearing now this
loneliness 10,000 days
an old man in love


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