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Editing - rough draft

A love like ours

In a world where hearts are cold and weary,
Our love burns bright, so pure and cheery.
With every beat, our souls entwine,
A love so deep, it's almost divine.

Like a gentle breeze on a summer's day,
Our love whispers sweet nothings in every way.
In the darkest night, you're my shining star,
Guiding me through, no matter how far.

In your embrace, I find my peace,
A love like ours will never cease.
Through storms and struggles, we'll remain strong,
For you are where I truly belong.


April brings me hope
Refreshing my heart with love
Seeking one to share

Runaway brain

I hear it coming
my runaway brain.
The deafening thunder
like a long black train.
Caught like a shoe
under the track.
The wheels are turning
and there's no going back.
A thousand verbal options
like mental spittle.
Create a crescendo
at the bottom of a bottle.
I've nowhere to go
with nowhere left to stand.
Humiliation makes
a merciless demand,
but come tommorow
I will rise again.
To face another day
and do it all again!

Dodging Section 8 Bullet

Beware of section 8. Tenants are being evicted daily when the system doesn't pay their portion of the rent.

Thank God mama's cousin rented her Mama's house to her, Daddy, and us 7 kids when our rental burned down when we were young teens in the '70s thus averting housing authority apartments in Friendship Apartments when first built.

Again God intervened when a single mom of one, who's 38 today, decided not to rent their mama's house through section 8 but sold it instead.

The light inside

Are your motives as pure
as you'd like them to be?
Do you think about things
that ought not to be?
When the morning returns
were you able to sleep?
Is your heart heavy laden
with the dreams that you keep?
Does your conversation lag
does it put you to sleep?
When you can't find the words
that are worthy to repeat.
Did your mantra empower you
or induce your retreat?
Did you discover a way
to release your negativity?
Did you fight your way out
are you back on the street?

The Face of God

I saw it when
the Moon
kissed the Sun.

The two fell silent,
devoted to each other
in divine bliss.

And the Earth
grew cool and dark,
as if praying in a holy room.

And I, I saw the Face of God -
glorified and dignified,
adorned within a halo
as the stars genuflected across the sky,
one by one passing through this sacred veil.

Conflicts stopped.
Civilizations quieted.
Bird and beast grew still.
And for a few moments, all were forgiven.


My eyes are blind. Because of two reasons. First, of all, I do have a blindfold on them.
Secondly, nobody asks me about them, and of their color.
Today, without attention.

Tomorrow, maybe I will be a little more mature.

I will conjunct the words into a sentence.

I will see.

It’s a waste of time, for a talk with an eyes turned towards your way.


I wanted to know that thing higher,
but clay heavily weighed my hand.

I wanted to know that lightness,
effervescence, where sun sparkles,
and the very air holds in radiance.
I wanted to know those things higher.

But too often have I bumped my head
reaching for the immaterial, it so
impractical, so seeming nothingness.

Now I no longer try; clay is hard enough
to build sky skyscrapers, hard enough
to pierce the clouds, -and beyond.

The fall off part 2

Out on the dusty plains where the sun burns hot and bright,
There rode a man with a heart as dark as the starless night.
He went by the name of Falloff, a legend in these parts,
Known for his quick draw and his deadly aim that broke men's hearts.

In the town of Deadwood, they whispered tales of his past,
Of a love long lost and a betrayal that would forever last.
Falloff rode into town one day, his eyes cold and steely,
Looking for a man who had done him wrong, a man named Billy.


Who has Not spent time in sterile places
where towers soar and traffic crawls
where too many folks wear worried faces
where all that's heard are pigeons' calls?

I go there when I feel I must
and walk the hardened concrete trails
amongst people I would fear to trust.
I've inhaled smog and all that it entails.

Then retreated to my country home
where rabbits play and wild birds sing
until it's time once more for me to roam
to the deep forests to find...something.


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