Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

scribbler's blog

Greetings everybody

I expect ya'll are becoming weary of my leading the last 2 workshops. Understandable. Hence I'm asking for volunteers to lead the next shop. About the only real requirement is having been on site at least 3 months. Everybody has something they can teach about poetry and if you are interested don't worry about being out there on your own. My being the workshop director I can assure you you can have all the help I can give you.......or as little as you want. So just holler here if you are interested and we can discuss the idea......stan (scribbler)

HURT by Johnny Cash

For those who think traditional poetry is dead......

Johnny Cash
This song, originally written and performed by Nine Inch Nails, is of disputed meaning: is it about self harm, doing heroin, or both? Either way, no matter if it reflects… Read More

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

At long last

Hi folks. I finally got my book completed. It is for sale on Amazon and titled BEYOND TRAILS. I'd like to thank everybody here who helped me hone my meager skills and encouraged me to continue writing . A special thanks to Geezer and all the site owners and operators.Stan Holliday

Wholey self serving announcement

Well, I finally have a real book published. title is BEYOND TRAILS.and will be available via Amazon about July 16.

Narrative poetry workshop

Just a word of thanks to all who suffered through this workshop. I hope it honed your skills in this type poetry

This month's contest give everybody a chance to show they learned something because the contest requires a particular rhyme pattern ...ABAB. Of course non participants should also check the contest out lol


Alright here is a second page since page 1 had become unwieldy.
Exercise # 3
Write 2 stanzas in ABBA pattern

On Helping Each other Become Better Poets

This can be considered a reminder for those who have been here a while and an explanation for newer members.

Neopoet is not like most poetry sites. Our purpose is to actually make poets better, not to inflate or deflate egos.
We are here to lift each other's skills by giving truthful but respectful feed back to each other.If we just say stuff like "great poem" or "I loved this"how can we know where we need to improve ourselves? So if you are here to mainly receive such empty praise you are likely to be disappointed.


I've been in a writing drought lately so haven't been around much. But I'm still here and hope you all have a great Christmas and get what you want instead of what you deserve lol......

Hi Folks

Would anybody be interested in a workshop on rhyme patterns?


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