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i am 66years old i havehad a few deep relations with women but wish i was married one relationship together everyday all day for thirty years
love is like an oases in the desert you never know of the next oases


For I am 17 I’ve been alone in a room for two years bed bounded getting 8 brain surgeries three spinal taps and two bur-holes and 2 chest and stomach surgeries . In that time I had nothing but pain , silence and my thoughts to keep me company.
The effect of this is that u grew into the grasps of cynicism and I became very well acquainted with poetry usually writing when I was overwhelmed with immense pain. With a million thoughts good and bad boldly bleeding into each other. I’ve become an introvert and seek seclusion .

Hlm life without literature is a life without logic.

i feel how you are feeling allthough not so much physical pain but i have mentall illness most of my life

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