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The lovers had their very own secret place
Under the boardwalk after the sun had set
A nightly tryst hadn’t been discovered yet
And being so careful not to leave any trace

But that evening, meeting on time as agreed
They were greeted with a most awful sight
A body drained of blood, so pale and white
Yet still smiling, as if its soul had been freed

Police called and arrived, plus forensic team
The whole incident making such little sense
Flashlights sweeping the beach for evidence
Showing that stare when caught in its beam

Cordoned off, it was declared a no go area
For both lovers it would never be the same
And always the regret that they ever came
Press interviews feeling like a case of malaria

Such an experience would haunt them both
In fact, the couple broke up soon after that
One then moved far away without a caveat
Abandoning their plans to plight their troth

Although remaining a pathway to walk upon
That boardwalk gained a strange reputation
Never used again for any secret assignation
All prospects of lovers meeting there, gone

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


The rhythm is a bit hard to follow, but the rhyme is good enough and well placed.
Myself, I would choose to make the lines smoother with the subtraction
of some words and a little bit of moving around of others. All-in-all, a good write of a cool story. ~ Geez.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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